#WIN – The Anagranimals and the Wishing Tree – Children’s Book

Following on from our review of The Anagranimals and the Wishing Tree earlier in the week, I’m delighted to offer you a signed first edition of this delightful book featuring six very ordinary animals – Heidi the Hippo, Pedro the Pig, Lancelot the Lion, Ebenezer the Elephant, George the Giraffe and Rocky the Rhino.

WP_003116Their amazing adventure takes them on a journey that ends up with them exchanging parts of their body for their favourite animals body parts, transforming them into weird and wonderful new creatures.

To win your own signed copy, simply fill in the form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
UK entrants only

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123 thoughts on “#WIN – The Anagranimals and the Wishing Tree – Children’s Book

  1. Well I suppose it’s changing because I don’t have one but I would love a cat’s tail that I could flick about when something annoyed me!

  2. I’d have 8 arms like an octopus… All the more for tickling my very very very ticklish little girl (and other half!) x

  3. I’d have the Wings of a Eagle so I could fly,and get home from work quicker,and also make the long arms of a chimp,so I could tickle people and cause mischief

  4. I would like the agility and arms of a monkey! It would the school run much more interesting if I could swing from tree to tree singing ‘King of the swingers!’ 😀

  5. I would swap my hair & hairless neck for the mane of a lion. I nearly always wear a scarf because I feel the cold so much 🙁

  6. my arms for an octopus’ as it would make things easier plus you need 8 pairs of hands with kids sometimes lol

  7. I would have rabbits teeth so I could knaw through apples and carrots without worrying about breaking them.

  8. I’ve always had a bad back so I’d love to swap my old ‘had enough’ back with one from a strong animal – perhaps a lion

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