Woolly and Tig: One Step at a Time is the second Woolly and Tig DVD to be released by Abbey Home Media and one that I knew my children would love. When I first saw the Woolly and Tig series on CBeebies I wasn’t to sure that my children would enjoy it but it has been one of them very surprising hits that they adore watching as well as singing to the theme tune!
Features 15 episodes:
• One Step at a Time
• Timmy’s Monsters
• Splash
• The Painting Day
• Museum of
• The Dog
• Bus Ride
• Supermarket
• The Hospital
• Sleep Over
• Busy
• Big Stomps
• The Dance Class
• The Clown
• The Party
This DVD contains 15 Woolly and Tig episodes is perfect for any young Woolly and Tig fan or even someone new to the programme. My children love watching the day to day going’s on with Tig doing normal day to day things and her toy spider Woolly helping her along the way, encouraging her to do things she is not sure about.
Splash was Miss M’s favourite episode on this DVD, all about the swimming pool – something Miss M loves herself. In this programme Tig is afraid of going into the big pool but Woolly encourages her and she finally is brave and takes the plunge herself.
The DVD is released on 16th September 2013 and can be purchased from all good DVD stockists.
For more information can be found on the Abbey Home Media.
If you’d like to win a copy of the new Woolly and Tig: One Step at a Time DVD, then fill out the form below for your chance of winning 1 of 5 copies:
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I am pretty scared, but Wollys cute 😀
If they are less than 3mm I am ok with them but anything bigger I am frightened! I do hate wasps more though!
I love spiders
Funnily enough, I adore tarantulas but as for house and garden spiders, I run a mile!
hate but i am getting better with them
I like spiders but my children hate then
I hate spiders
i love spiders
I’m not bothered about small ones but i’m not very keen on the great big ones!
petrified of spiders, and crane flies they are kind of flying spiders,
I hate them, so much so i have all three children trained on how to get shot of them before mum sees them lol
I ate them, I run away when I see them
I’m not bothered about small spiders but big hairy ones are a different story
Scared of spiders x
i hate hate hate them lol but son loves them!!!
I hate spiders
I can put up with them! don’t think they need to be killed! xx
scared to bits of spiders!
I Love Spiders
I don’t mind the little ones but hate the big ones
It’s only a toy spider…
Love them cos they get rid of flies etc
I hate them x
i love spiders
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I HATE Spiders
Spiders are cool!
Money spiders ok. Bigger ones hate
I don’t like them that much – but I don’t hate them either.
hate them!
I am very scared of them. 🙁
When it’s just me and the kids I pretend to like them but if daddy’s home I’m not a fan at all!
I neither love or hate spiders. To me they are just one of the many living things on this planet. So I see or notice them but have no inclination to harm them, as I do not see them as harmful. Maybe that would be different if I lived in a country that had poisonous spiders.
hate spiders even the little ones
At first, I had a child fear of spiders.. my parents delighted in allowing the fear of god to run through me by placing a dancing plastic crab in front of me as a baby… this was projected onto spiders… but now, I am less afraid, being the man in the family… I get the job of catching them (not killing) and releasing back to the wild…. careful glass and a sturdy piece of cardboard or thick paper and done… man proud stance engaged!
Ooh, no I don’t like them, but my 1 year old daughter is fascinated by them (and LOVES Woolly!!) x
Nope, spiders are horrible creepy things 🙁
Hate 🙁
Hate spiders
love them
I don’t mind them as long as there not near my bed!!
Don’t like them 🙁
dont like them
Hate em
Hate them
Hate them 🙁
I don’t mind them
I don’t like them,never have,but since my mum got bitten by one,and ended up on antibiotics because of it,I dislike them even more
i neither love or hate them .they part of nature so i put up and shut up thats until i found a big massive one on my shoulder then when i turn into a ninga lol
I am absolutely terrified of them! x
hate them
not that keen on them spiders
I don’t like touching them!
hate!!! yuk yuk yuk! xx
hate them lol
I’m fine with small ones and big ones….can’t stand medium sized ones!!
Spiders terrify me. I’ve been trying to deal with my fear as I don’t want to pass it on to either of my children, but it’s proving to be difficult.
hate them x
I’m so scared of them- trying not to pass my fear on to my daughter though 🙂
Spiders don’t bother me.
Don’t mind Spiders x
hate spiders
i really hate them! :{
I hate them.
Hate spiders, but dont mind daddy long legs 🙂
I hate them lol
Not afraid of them, but not something I really like.
i dont mind the little money spiders anything bigger they scare me
Hate them! They frighten the life out of me
hate spiders!
Hate them !! Especially the super fast super scary ones!!
I hate them. I know they eat bugs but I think they look ugly & creepy *shudders*
terrified of spiders
Hate them – with a vengeance – have tried not to pass this onto my daughter but failed so far although she’s not as bad as me and is more humane – asks daddy to deal with them but not to dead them !
Dont mind small spiders, but hate large spiders – scary
I have to like them as my hubby is absolutely petrified of them! He’s even been known to wake our eldest son up in the night when I’ve been out to get rid of one!!!!
Don’t like them, but i am still the one who has to get rid of them
Love them!
Hate them at this time of the year as they are EVERYWHERE!! – Hanging the washing out is like getting an invisible cloak!
love them
Depends how big they are x
I don’t exactly love them but i don’t hate them either
I am petrified of them so I hate them but have bought a big and a little woolly for 2 of my grand-daughters, I don’t mind them they are cuddly
hate spiders
I don’t mind them, if they aren’t near me!
I am very scared of spiders but would never kill one if it got to close, I just leave the room until it has gone. Lol. Xx
im not bothered by em
I like spiders!
Eeeeurgh!!! Hate them
I’m indifferent to them!
Can’t cope with anything bigger than a money spider! Hate them! Unless its a cute wooly one of course xx
I don’t hate them but couldn’t pick one up so trap them in a glass and place them outside.
They are ok as long as they are not too big, then I need to get someone to help me remove them!
i am petrified of spiders
Hate them. There was one on my kitchen floor this morning and the hubby had to put it outside
I don’t hate them, I just don’t like when they are near, and couldn’t not pick one up. But I always making sure no one will kill one 🙂
I don’t hate them but I wouldn’t go out of my way to pick one up!
Spiders dont really bother me, My Mum was very superstitious about spiders and always said it was bad luck to kill them so I always trap them in a glass and place them back outside
love little ones hate big ones
As long as they stay away from me, I love them
Dont mind them
I hate spiders
I love them, but it’s a good job as everyone else in the house hates them, so I’m always having to catch them and take them outside!!
I hate spiders, I dont like the way they move! all those legs!
I don’t like them in my bedroom but I don’t mind them elsewhere.
I love spiders, they are the organic bug killers for your house.
I am terrified of spiders, especially hearing about this False Widow that’s being talked about in the new
Mostly I don’t mind them – their webs are beautiful – but I don’t like it when large ones run across the floor near my feet.
I don’t mind them as long as I don’t have to touch them, glad they kill flies
spiders are my worst nightmare
dont mind them but they dont exist in this house soon as one appears my dog eats them! same goes for woodlice earwigs etc
As long as they stay well away from me then I don’t mind them.
I don’t really like them, but I’m not that bothered by them 🙂
I am beyond terriffied of spiders!! x
I hate spiders
I like spiders but I wouldn’t have one as a pet.
Hate them
im not scared of them but if a big one runs out from no where I do jump!!!! lol
Little ones are okay and I can cope with tarantulas but anything in between has me fleeing for the hoover so i can suck it up
I don’t mind them as long as they stay away from me I am quite happy to have a couple in the house
Love spiders they eat flies
I don’t hate them I just don’t like them very much. :/
I love them!
not really love, not really hate – just dislike
I am an arachnophobic, absolutely terrified of them :'( I have to have a good look around the bedroom at night to make sure there are non around, then I can sleep 😀
Depends on the size and where they appear on me !
I despise them. I really do have arachnophobia!
I don’t mind spiders… so long as they don’t come towards me lol
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Spiders in this country are tame – in foreign countries there are many which are scary and not to be approached for safety.
Depends on the size. I’m fine with the little ones but the big hairy ones….argh!
EEERRRR Hate them !!!!!
I hate spiders
I like spiders and don’t like it when my boyfriend squashes them, I always will let them live!!