Elektra Inline Skates – Review

Inline skating was something I remember doing many years ago, and I knew when Miss M received some Elektra Inline Skates from Ozbozz, she’d be thrilled, partly because she’s always wanted to try skating but also because she loves being outdoors.

Inline Elektra SkatesThe look on 5yr old Miss M’s face said it all when she saw these inline skates, they were pink – her favourite colour, they were big grown up inline skates and she couldn’t wait to try them on and skate across the front room.

What I liked about the Elektra Inline Skates is that they are adjustable and can be made to fit shoe sizes between 13 and 3.  This is fantastic with Miss M just being a 13 means she will have plenty of use out of them and they’ll hopefully last a few years.  By simply sliding the outer casing forward and back you can change the size, the inner lining also can be adapted according to size with velcro.

These are well designed solid skates that easily glide across the ground.  The next day we tried them at the local park and I was surprised at how quickly Miss M found her feet and was gliding across the ground, with the odd stumble of course, but having little fear at her age she just went for it and did very well.  A few more tries and she’ll be a fabulous little skater.

WP_003060We have had so much fun with these inline skates – Miss M thinks they are brilliant and wants to go to the park with them at any given opportunity.  I think they will get a lot of use over the next few years and definitely recommend them.

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.


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12 thoughts on “Elektra Inline Skates – Review

  1. She looks like she is having lots of fun with these and I love the colour! Little Mr A has some tri-line skates but he’s not getting on too well with them at the moment!

  2. Inline Skates is a type of relaxation tool. It makes our lives happy. Thank you for sharing your good articles

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    Nice to read the this one blog..about skating.since i have my own website about skating…

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