The Anagranimals and the Wishing Tree – Children’s Book Review

The Anagranimals and the Wishing Tree is the first book from a series about the Anagranimals, a bunch of ordinary animals who long to do things that other animals do.  My children love reading so I was keen to read this to them to hear their views.Anagranimals 2The Anagranimals and the Wishing Tree is a story about six very ordinary animals – Heidi the Hippo, Pedro the Pig, Lancelot the Lion, Ebenezer the Elephant, George the Giraffe and Rocky the Rhino.  They start by playing a game of hide and seek until they come across a big, old tree – The Wishing Tree.  It grants them each a wish and they all wish to have their favourite parts of other animals.

So Pedro the Pig turned into a Pig-Orilla-Roo, George a Gir-Osti-Duck and Heidi a Hippo-Croco-Puss.  Each had the head, body and legs of different animals.

The Anagranimals book is aimed at ages 5-9, and with Miss M being 5 she was intrigued.  She loved the concept of the wishing tree and giggled when I first read about what the animals changed into – she found the names such as Rhino-Parra-Rog quite bizarre but hilarious.  The storyline definitely kept her entertained even though she couldn’t quite believe what was happening to the animals.  She looked at the pictures in bemusement wondering if it could really happen!

Anigranimals1The book is well illustrated with lots of colour pictures to keep children entertained throughout and the story is lengthy without being too long to read in one go.

This is the first book in a series of Anagranimals adventures – why don’t you see what they get up to next?

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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3 thoughts on “The Anagranimals and the Wishing Tree – Children’s Book Review

  1. Seen quite a few people talking about this book this last week or so, lovely review another one here adding to Santa’s list xoxox

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