Day to Day

Mister B’s 4th Birthday

A couple of weeks ago my dear Mister B celebrated his 4th birthday.  He was so excited, although had been quite specific in his requests for his special day.  He only wanted a few friends round at home, for dancing, pass the parcel and musical statues so that’s exactly what we did.

3After opening his presents early in the morning, we then walked big sister, Miss M to school.  Usually being a little shy and reluctant to talk to strangers, he had a new found courage now that he is 4 and told everyone we saw along the way that he is now 4! lol

In the afternoon Daddy took him to the aquarium while I prepped for the party, and he proudly told the receptionist that he was 4 meaning Daddy had to buy a membership card for him.  They then picked Miss M up from school and came home eagerly awaiting his friends to arrive.

Amazingly they all bought him Spiderman toys which he thought was hilarious, but incredibly pleased with them.  We played various games to music and then I suggested my favourite party game to calm them down, Sleeping Lions.  To my surprise they all cheered and told me how much they loved that game, and before I said anything more they were all laid down on the floor with their eyes shut… and their was silence!!

I then sat them down for some party food followed by singing Happy Birthday and blowing the candles on his Spiderman cake!  Mister B was thrilled with his cake (even though mummy cheated and bought the cake! Shhh!).

Blake 4For the next week Mister B has proudly told everyone, everywhere that he is 4, from the cashiers in the supermarkets, to teachers at the school, and anyone, anywhere that I happen to chat to!   On the Saturday, Nanny & Grandad kindly took us to Prezzo to celebrate his birthday where he enjoyed pizza followed by chocolate ice cream.  Then he opened his presents from them and as you can see in the above picture, his favourite present believe it or not was a Spiderman cushion!  He has been so cute and lays his head on this everynight.  Aw my baby boy is growing up, and whenever I’ve called him my little baby or little boy over the last two weeks, he turns round and says “I’m not your baby, I’m 4!!”

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  1. Happy Birthday to Mister B! It is so scary when they no longer a baby! Now you need to call him big boy!
    Eileen Teo recently posted…fatframe iPad Case ReviewMy Profile

  2. Angela Spicer says:

    Aww Happy Birthday Mr B. 4 already! Where does the time go?

  3. He is adorable, how our little boys are growing up. Glad he had a wonderful day x
    Mary @ Over 40 and a Mum to One recently posted…Happy Monkey – a drinks reviewMy Profile

  4. Mummy of Two says:

    It sounds like he had a fab 4th Birthday! I’m loving all of the Spiderman things – what more could a 4 year old want 😀

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