Moonpig – the One Stop Online Birthday Cards & Gift Shop – Review

Moonpig is known for it’s celebration cards, particulary the ability to personalise them online.  You can even send them straight to the recipient in time for their special day.  A very handy service in normal times but even more so during the Covid pandemic where we’ve been stuck at home.  Going back to high street shopping just isn’t the same …

A Belated Welcome to 2019

A bit belated but I’m only just getting back into the swing of things after the Christmas mayhem and New Year chaos (for us it’s the daughter’s birthday as well!).  Here’s us celebrating on Christmas day (me a bit run off my feet due to husband at work and cooking for my parents as well as me and the kids!. …

The Birthday Thief – A Personalised Book for Kids

The Birthday Thief is another personalised book for your child from the wonderful range at Wonderbly.   Along with Kingdom of You, this book takes your child on a journey where things go a bit wrong but it all works out in the end, with this book being personalised by finding your child’s birthday again, looking for both the year and the date.  …

My Handsome Little Man is 6!!

Last Sunday my handsome little boy celebrated his 6th birthday.  I’m so proud of him and everything he has achieved over the last year, more than I could have imagined.  He started school just over a year ago and sailed through the foundation year, so much so that he got awarded with a special book ’50 Utterly Silly Stories’ at …

A New Year and Miss M’s 8th Birthday

It’s been a hectic start to the year to say the least, with trying to sell a house and job worries making it most stressful, but I musn’t forget the amazing event that really started off the year and that was Miss M’s 8th birthday on the 1st January! What an amazing eight years it has been and she has …

Happy 5th Birthday Mister B

Ten days ago the handsome Mister B became a 5yr old!  It doesn’t seem possible, the years have whizzed by, but he is still as cute and cuddly as ever, although I’m sure that will change in future years! His birthday fell on a school day, but he was more than happy with that as it meant he could choose … Online Gift Store – Review

I Just Love It is a wonderful online gift store, with a wide variety of gifts, many of them personalised giving them added meaning to the recipient.  They also have things that are a little bit different from the high street, meaning you can find something unique and special for birthday’s, anniversaries and Christmas etc. I chose a selection of gifts, …

Last week I turned 40!!

For the last few months I have been dreading turning 40.  It seems so old, a number I thought would take years to reach, yet I’m there, it’s happened.  Not that I feel that age at all, but it makes you realise how quickly life passes by and to make the most of each and every opportunity that comes along! …

Happy 7th Birthday Miss M and Frozen party game ideas

New Year’s Day is my daughter Miss M’s birthday so we always start the New Year with birthday celebrations.  This year we had a quiet, relaxed day, spending time with family for lunch, birthday cake and Miss M opening her presents.  I really can’t believe where the last seven years have gone! She was insistent on having a Frozen themed …

Mister B’s 4th Birthday

A couple of weeks ago my dear Mister B celebrated his 4th birthday.  He was so excited, although had been quite specific in his requests for his special day.  He only wanted a few friends round at home, for dancing, pass the parcel and musical statues so that’s exactly what we did. After opening his presents early in the morning, …