
Win a Frozen Princess Elsa Dress Up Costume

I think nearly all young girls out there are fans of the Disney film Frozen so I was really excited when I heard that Fancy Dress Queen have added a selection of children’s Frozen costumes to their website.

With the Anna Coronation costume or the Princess Elsa costume available in ages 2-10 years, one of them is sure to be a little girls dream outfit!

So you’ll be pleased to know I have one Princess Elsa costume up for grabs in the size of your choice, see the beautiful outfit below and just fill out the form below for a chance to win!

I’ll also have a review of the costume coming soon so keep an eye out for that, Miss M is eagerly awaiting an Elsa costume to dress up in, one of the few dresses that she actually wants to wear!


Elsa costume

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  1. Elizabeth (Liz) Briggs says:

    My Daughters is Elsa because she has magic powers, mine is Anna because she is funny 🙂 thank you for the giveaway x

  2. My daughter love elsa as she is the hero in the moive!
    Eileen Teo recently posted…5 Bath Foam ActivitiesMy Profile

  3. Tina L-D says:

    Sven and Kristoff. They a;ways make us laugh

  4. Melanie Sears says:

    Olaf because he makes her laugh

  5. katie skeoch says:

    Elsa or Olaf – it can change on a daily basis

  6. EMMA WALTERS says:

    my youngest loves elsa, i think it’s her singing that is encapsulating!

  7. Tracy Nixon says:

    My daughter love Elsa because she thinks she is brave and pretty!

  8. Jo Richards says:

    My daughter loves Elsa because she says she is beautiful and pretty

  9. mine is sven as i think hes funny, my daughters is olaf because hes cute.
    fern recently posted…going to space!My Profile

  10. Sallyanne Gooch says:

    Amber loves Olaf

  11. Ashleigh Allan says:

    I like Olaf – he is funny!

  12. says:

    Elsa, she’s brave and kind.

  13. Sean says:

    My daughter would love this

  14. christine shelley says:

    My neice loves Elsa – so much so that she wore the dress to the wedding, she is sure she is her alter ego

  15. Chris says:

    Elsa is my daughters hero

  16. Leanne Tobin says:

    They love Olaf because he makes them laugh 🙂

  17. Angela Millar says:

    My daughter loves Elsa but Olaf has to be her favourite he makes her roar with laughter.

  18. Mummy of Two says:

    F is a bit young to have a favourite but I love Olaf!

  19. justine meyer says:

    My daughter loves olaf because she says he looks cuddly

  20. my daughter lexi is obsessed with everything frozen and loves elsa, she has even recirded herself singing let it go for you tube

  21. gemma foster says:

    daughter loves olaf, even calls herself olaf when she is playing

  22. Val Swift says:

    My daughter loves Elsa she loves singing along with her

  23. Lorraine Foster says:

    My daughter loves Olaf because he’s funny.



  25. MoolBoots says:

    My daughter loves Anna, I think she an relate to her – very similar. My son loves Olaf and Sven because they are funny!

  26. Natasha M says:

    Elsa because shes the queen 🙂

  27. Jo welsh says:

    I like hanns because I think he is funny.

  28. Mrs Rachel Heap says:

    Elsa because she is so pretty

  29. Angela Fitzjohn says:

    Their favourite character is Olaf, he makes them laugh.

  30. Stephanie Tsang says:

    I like Olaf because he’s cute and so sweet.

  31. anne-marie wigley says:

    olaf because he is funny 😀

  32. Olaf because I love cartoon snowmen! I also love Chilly from Doc McStuffins 🙂

  33. Jemma Taylor says:

    It would be Elsa as she wants to be just like her

  34. Zoe G says:

    My daughter is obsessed with Elsa

  35. Sherri Mse Fordham says:

    Olaf- makes her laugh from the belly 🙂

  36. Tracy Hanley says:

    Olaf, we love snowmen and hes so funny

  37. Pauline Hill says:

    Elsa or Olaf are the childrens favourite

  38. Alexa Schoolar says:

    oh my daughter loves Elsa and is always wanting to dress up as her 🙂

  39. Stephanie Lear says:

    Queen Elsa as she’s so pretty and brave.

  40. Kat Lucas says:

    My daughter loves Olaf because she thinks he is so funny

  41. jenny owen says:

    my daughters fave is Elsa and my sons fave is Olaf.Ipreffer Anna myself 🙂

  42. sian says:

    omg my daughter would love this #christmaspresentsorted

  43. kim neville says:

    Elsa as she is so pretty and magical to watch

  44. Joanne Baldwin says:

    Rapunzel, because she loves that hair has magic powers!

  45. Diane jones says:

    Sven because he makes me and my kiddies laugh x

  46. Laura S says:

    My daughter’s favourite is Elsa because she just loves to immitate her. She has every action and word of ‘Let it Go’ down to a tea even though she’s only 2.

    Laura x

  47. Tasha Corder says:

    My daughter loves Elsa because she is so beautiful!

  48. My daughter likes Elsa best because she is a princess

  49. jennifer thorpe says:

    my daughter loves Elsa because she is beautiful

  50. abigail edkins says:

    I havent seen it yet but our lillie pops loves the music

  51. olga naden says:

    My children love singing to Frozen and my daughter loves Elsa because she has gorgeous long hair just like her 🙂

  52. Jenny says:

    Mine love Elsa because of the ‘Let It Go’ song! 🙂

  53. Lorraine Tinsley says:

    Olaf as he is funny and cute!

  54. Lynsey Buchanan says:

    My daughter loves Elsa most I think its her story about being different

  55. I think my son would find Olaf the funniest x
    Lucy Bishop recently posted…Dettol Baby Blanket Donation: Dettol Laundry Cleanser #sharethememoriesMy Profile

  56. Angela Wilcox says:

    my kids like Olaf because he’s funny

  57. Farhana says:

    Olaf the cuties

  58. Victoria Mylittlel says:

    I like Anna because of her hair colour)

  59. Julie Roo says:

    Olaf the snowman. He is really rather funny.

  60. holly houghton says:

    Elsa because she has powers

  61. andy burns says:

    My daughter loves Elsa because she believes she looks just like her and she believes she has her powers.

  62. nicci cowdell-murray says:

    my youngest daughter loves elsa but my oldest loves olaf

  63. Liam Bishop says:

    Olaf, he is hilarious.

  64. Angela Spicer says:

    Mine is Olaf. I love his teeth!

  65. Mel Daniels says:

    My daughter loves Olaf “because he’s funny”!

  66. Marie R says:

    My daughter loves Elsa because she loves her magical powers.

  67. mary chez says:


  68. Lucy Robinson says:

    We love Olaf especially when he got his own snow cloud. x

  69. Caroline says:


  70. stephanie thornley says:

    Olaf is my daughters favourite.

  71. kate hestr says:

    amazing prize!

  72. Sarah Ottley says:

    Mine and my daughter’s favourite is Anna as she saves her sister with the power of love and she is funny

  73. Isabelle Smith says:

    olaf 🙂

  74. jodie harvey says:

    my daughter loves Elsa because shes a magical princess 🙂

  75. Jorgie loves Elsa,she loves her magical powers 🙂

  76. Hutch2 says:

    Would make a fab xmas present

  77. Olaf because he is funny 🙂

  78. lisa brandling says:

    My daughter loves Olaf.

  79. katrina walsh says:

    Elsa as shes very courageous

  80. Would love this, would make such a nice present

  81. Angela Sandhu says:

    Elsa, so magical

  82. Rachel Roach says:

    Olaf – makes them all laugh

  83. Natalie Crossan says:

    Olaf 🙂 xx

  84. My little one’s favourite is Olaf apparently! “Olaf is the best person in Frozen ‘cos he sings a beautiful song and jumps in puddles” – age 3!

  85. Elsa – Caitlin loves her glittery dress and her singing voice!
    Linda Hobbis recently posted…Silent Sunday – 28/09/2014My Profile

  86. Daily Giveaways | giveawaysrus says:

    […] 07/11 Princess Elsa Costume […]

  87. Sarah Benn says:

    Elsa because she is beautiful.

  88. lyn Burgess says:

    My daughter likes Anna because they have the same name

  89. Sarahann Tonner says:

    Olaf because he always makes us giggle!!

  90. hannah welsh says:

    My daughter wants to be Elsa xx

  91. Gemma Snell says:

    My Eloise loves Elsa because of her powers and she sings her favourite song

  92. ema j lowe says:

    my daughter loves elsa

  93. Debbie Creasey says:

    Olaf coz she is obsessed with snow!

  94. Sarah Lewis says:

    Has to be Olaf because he makes them laugh.

  95. My little boys favourite is Sven the reindeer, Although we have had to explain that he cant have a pet reindeer lol x
    Jess Howliston recently posted…Degustabox **REVIEW**My Profile

  96. Tracy C says:

    Definitely Olaf

  97. Stacey Tripconey says:

    My daughter loves Olaf as he is funny!

  98. Catherine McAlinden says:

    Elsa, because she has the best song!

  99. Paul Witney says:

    Olaf, because he’s so funny but so kind hearted

  100. Tina Holmes says:

    Elsa because she a pretty queen

  101. Amy Squires says:


  102. Becca Staples says:

    Olaf as he makes us laugh x

  103. Hayley Colburn says:

    If I’m honest my daughter doesn’tt have a favourite, she adores them all, I would say she has a soft spot for elsa though purely down to the scene where she runs away and builds the ice castle and sings Let it Go, my daughter loves that bit x

  104. LYNNE COLLINS says:

    Olaf because he is sooo funny!!

  105. Hannah Lawrence (Lewenstein) says:

    Queen Elsa!

  106. jen morgan says:

    Elsa as shes says she is the best singer in the whole wide world lol

  107. Linda F McGarrigle says:

    Elsa because of the singing x

  108. Julia Plant says:

    My daughters both love Elsa, and my eldest (4yrs) stands in front of the TV miming her words and copying her moves. She also cuddles her Elsa toy to sleep every night. I’m not sure what the attraction is myself, other than her nice plait and lovely dress!

  109. Gill Mitchell says:

    Olaf, because he makes them laugh 😀

  110. I love Olaf. :p
    But the kids love all of them really, but I think the princesses are most loved because of the pretty dresses. 🙂
    ERFmama recently posted…Deep conversation with my 2 year old (Video)My Profile

  111. Emma Ellison says:

    Olaf because he’s daft and funny

  112. Olaf because he’s so funny

  113. melanie Edjourian says:

    my girls both love else and her pretty dress

  114. laura jayne bates says:

    Olaf because hes funny

  115. Kerry-Ann Pope says:

    I know two little girls who are Elsa crazy who would love this.

  116. Alex Telford says:

    Our favourite is Elsa, because she can make it snow

  117. Rebecca Taylor says:

    Olaf, my son loves snowmen 🙂

  118. We love olaf because he is so adorable x

  119. Melissa Breckon says:

    Olaf because hes cute and funny 🙂

  120. Rebecca H says:

    My niece and I love this film! We both love Elsa <3

  121. Olaf as he makes us all giggle!
    Angela McDonald recently posted…Hallmark Hotel Gloucester – Spa Day & Afternoon TeaMy Profile

  122. Jo Carroll says:

    Olaf…he’s just so cool 😉

  123. julie munro says:

    my youngest loves elsa but my 10 year old loves olaf

  124. says:

    Elsa because she is very pretty and has amazing magical powers

  125. OLAF! We love him!

  126. Victoria Cunniff says:

    My daughter is only 2 but loves Elsa and laughs every time she sees Olaf

  127. Kimberley says:

    Olaf he makes my little girl laugh x

  128. Anna because she is the adventurous one!

  129. Louise Gardener says:

    olaf and sven, they make us giggle.

  130. Debi Gillard says:

    Elsa – brave, daring, kind and cute

  131. Geordi on Tour says:

    Definitely Olaf, he’s cool and funny

  132. Charlotte says:

    Our favourite character is Elsa but we might be biased as that’s my daughters name 🙂

  133. Caroline Willmott says:

    Olaf, cos he’s so funny !

  134. maggie ali says:

    my daughter loves Elsa because she’s amazing (that’s what my daughter said)

  135. Rishona Taylor says:

    My daughters both love Elsa because she has magic powers! 🙂

  136. leigh boyle says:

    elsa cos she can make snow =)

  137. tracy sinclair says:

    Elsa, because she is magical and brave and because of the beautiful blue dress she wears x

  138. leanne perrett says:

    we all love olaf he is so funny

  139. Laura P says:

    Oaken – he’s only on screen for a few minutes, but he’s just hilarious!

  140. stewart w says:

    Niece would love this

  141. Karl Borowy says:

    Sven and Kristoff.

  142. Solange says:

    Elsa because she has a beautiful voice

  143. Colette B says:

    Chloe swaps between Elsa and Anna but she’s currently all about Anna and wearing her hair to the side haah

  144. Elsa ….I’ve never asked her why actually. Mummies favourite is Anna i love her personality x
    Adele recently posted…My house before children…..My Profile

  145. Klara Bandi-Varga says:

    Olaf because he is funny

  146. Georgina Jacobs says:

    Olaf because he makes us laugh the most x

  147. maxine m partridge says:


  148. lisa86x says:

    My daughter is obsessed with Elsa. I love olaf.

  149. Linz Wileman says:

    Elsa or Olaf

  150. Rosalind Blight says:

    Olaf because they find it really funny when he wishes it was summer

  151. Christine Lockley says:

    Olaf – because he’s funny and cute

  152. lucinda duxbury says:

    my daughters favourite character is Elsa, because she has magic powers and has a pretty dress

  153. Zowee Moore says:

    Elsa – because shes a hero 🙂

  154. Trish Lewis says:

    I wish I could wear this myself…maybe better for one of the little girlies in my family 😉

  155. Laura Linsey says:

    My daughter loves Anna because they have the same colour hair

  156. Kathryn Hipkin says:

    Older child loves Olaf because he’s funny; Adam thinks it’s great when his head falls off.

    Little one divides her time between Anna and Elsa, depending on the song of the moment; it’s currently ‘Let it go’ for Elsa but could change back to Anna for ‘Do you wanna build a snowman’ at any time

  157. Kirsty Greer says:

    My girls love Olaf for being so cuddly x

  158. tamalyn roberts says:

    olaf as hes so cute and funny

  159. Rebecca Evans says:

    Sven ! Hah 🙂

  160. my kids love olaf because hes funny

  161. sarah stevens says:

    olaf because hes cute and loves warm hugs 🙂

  162. jenette ogborn says:

    My daughters love Olaf as he is funny 🙂

  163. says:

    Anna she thinks she funny x

  164. lavinia moore says:


  165. shannon07 says:

    olaf is defiantly their favorite !

  166. Sven, mainly because she is brilliant at drawing him

  167. Michelle Scampton says:

    My daughters favourite is Elsa and my little boy loves Olaf

  168. Natasha Bowler says:

    My girls love Sven. Weirdly because he reminds them of our dog.

  169. @pondering_kate says:

    My daughter’s favourite frozen character is Anna

  170. Kristy Brown says:

    Olaf, because he’s super cute and funny

  171. Sarah Lambert says:

    My daughter likes Olaf as she finds him funny and always sets off in a fit of giggles

  172. olaf he is funny

  173. MichelleD says:

    My Daughter loves Elsa because of her magic powers, she’s always pretending to be her!

  174. Mike Marsh says:

    Ava loves the beautiful Elsa

  175. Dominique Orlowski says:

    My Son loves Olaf

  176. Leanne Pollitt says:

    My daughter loves frozen , ooohh and me too 😉

  177. Rhys Davies says:

    Olaf because he makes her laugh

  178. Pam Gregory says:

    Olaf as he makes us laugh

  179. Joanna Butler-Savage says:

    olaf – cute and funny -whats not to love?

  180. Shelly Beckman says:

    My daughter Cailtin says Elsa is her favourite because she is a Queen, where Anna is just a Princess

  181. stacy sorrell says:

    my little one loves Olaf, why? ,,,,,, ‘Because he is a funny snowman’ x

  182. pauline black says:

    for my grandson its olaf! Makes him giggle.

  183. leanne weir says:

    Olaf because he makes her laugh

  184. Stephanie Dunmore says:

    It has to be Elsa, because she sings let it go

  185. elaine dale says:

    our grand-daughter likes Elsa as she likes her pretty clothes

  186. Zoe Bryan says:

    My daughter love elsa She said she loves how she plays with snow and her voice when she sings hehe

  187. sarah rees says:

    my daughter loves elsa she says she is beautiful

  188. Julie Ward says:

    Don’t know entering this for grandaughter as a suprise

  189. Lynn Heath says:

    It’s unanimous in this house Olaf is all our favourite!!!!

  190. Rachael O'Mara says:

    My two year old daughter is enchanted by else when she sings let it go

  191. Jennifer Burnage says:

    Olaf as he is so funny!

  192. madeline connolly says:

    my grandaughter love dress up and love all the frozen dress

  193. Lara Davis says:

    Olaf as he is so cute and smiley

  194. Gary Topley says:

    My daughter loves Elsa because she said she is pretty x

  195. michelle bennett says:

    It has to be olaf. The girls are fascinated with him

  196. EJ Dunn says:

    Olaf because he’s a bit daft!

  197. Amanda Beamish says:

    My kids and I love Olaf. He’s hysterical

  198. My daughter loves Elsa as she is so brave and sings lovely songs

  199. Phil Oneill says:


  200. Celesse @ Mummy Logic says:

    My daughter loves Elsa. …. cos Elsa is the big sister and so is she. When I was pregnant with my younger daughter she wanted me to name her Anna.

  201. Sandra Lane says:

    Olaf because he is such a funny snowman

  202. anne marsh says:

    great neice loves Elsa

  203. Marion Weir says:

    My Granddaughter loves Elsa, because she has lovely hair lol 😀

  204. Pauline Burroughs says:

    My granddaughter loves Elsa because she is so pretty x

  205. ann clements says:

    Olaf because he is cute

  206. Pam Hubbard says:

    my grandaughter loves Elsa

  207. Kirsty Woods says:

    My daughter likes Anna because she likes her cape, her eyes, her mouth, her head, her hair and her hands (just asked her )

  208. Katie says:

    Olaf makes us laugh

  209. says:

    elsa is mysterious and has magic powers to see

  210. laura stewart says:

    Olaf because he is cute and funny

  211. Krystina Bowman says:

    My Daughter loves Elsa because she loves her “ice powers & when she makes a castle when she’s singing” lol. She’s watching Frozen just now in bed! Haha xxx

  212. Sarah Archibald says:

    Anna for the do you wanna build a snowman song!

  213. Stephanie Burchatt says:

    Olaf or ‘no-man’

  214. Alison Joyce says:

    My daughter likes Elsa because she thinks her powers are cool

  215. Veronica Lopez-Smith says:

    My daughter loves Elsa because she sings Let it Go!

  216. says:

    My daughter’s favourite is Elsa, because of the ice powers.

  217. Vicky Hawkins says:

    My daughter loves Elsa as she is a lovely singer!

  218. Helen Spillett says:

    She obviously loves Anna and Elsa.. Also Olaf cos she likes hugs!!

  219. Susan Lloyd says:

    Definitely Elsa as she is her hero! X

  220. Wendy Tyler says:

    Elsa! Because she has “freezing powers” my children would say!

  221. P Wendy Clayton says:

    Olaf, his antics are so funny

  222. Sam imray says:

    We are all Elsa fans in this house my daughter is frozen crazy but doesn’t own any frozen goodies yet xxx

  223. genna st michael says:

    Olaf because he’s funny and cute

  224. Nadejda Prodaus says:

    I want this costume for my daughter Adela.She will love it!!!

  225. Nancy Bradford says:

    My daughter’s favourite character is Anna, I think because she looks a lot like Elsa and people always say that so she rebels a bit by liking Anna better.

  226. erinstarr says:

    olaf because hes funny 🙂

  227. rachael jones says:

    Olaf , because hes funny !

  228. Jane Middleton says:

    Olaf because he’s funny

  229. stewart miller says:

    Our grandaughter likes Elsa best because she lives in a castle and sings (and bless her she likes to sing along with the songs too) but on a different day of the week it can be funny olaf, such is the life of a three and a half year old lol. (who incidently needs age 5-6 clothes because of her height)

  230. Margaret says:

    My daughter’s favourite is Anna, because she loves the fact there’s a princess who shares her name 🙂

  231. Donna Lawton says:

    Elsa because of her hair apparently!

  232. Kim Lawrence says:

    Olaf because he is v funny

  233. Clare S says:

    My daughter loves Olaf, he is so funny!

  234. wendy procter says:

    Olaf because he makes the kids laugh and is too cute for words

  235. Kerry Lethbridge says:

    Olaf because he’s funny

  236. Laura Lee says:

    As I am the only female in a house with a husband, 3 boys and 2 male dogs I force my family to watch Frozen. I love Elsa she is a woman with power LOL

  237. Val Pownall says:

    Anna – because she is so funny! 🙂

  238. Jenny Harper says:

    She adores Elsa since she can do ice magic. I also think she is the closest to her own personality.

  239. michelle dootson says:

    olaf because hes funny

  240. Sarah Pybus says:

    Princess Ana as she loves all her singing 🙂

  241. Dee Blythe says:

    Olaf – She giggles everytime she see’s him!

  242. Allan Fullarton says:

    My daughter loves Olaf, always, makes her laugh.

  243. Charly Anderson says:

    My daughter loves Elsa and singing “Let It Go” at the top of her lungs lol 🙂

  244. Jackie Chapman says:

    Loaf because he makes us laugh

  245. sylvia hughes says:

    my niece Aleah would love this she’s a real junior divd

  246. Michelle Rutter Hughes says:

    Thank you for the chance my princess Jess would love this Dress 😀

  247. caroline says:

    sven and kristoff

  248. Helen Talboys says:

    My daughter loves Frozen, especially the songs she’s always singing 🙂

  249. Elsa is the favourite mainly because of the singing, especially “Let it Go”

  250. helen booth says:

    My oldest son and little girl love Elsa! My son thinks he’s Idina Menzel when he sings Let It Go!!

  251. Mrshaworth2b says:

    I love this film and so does my little nice

  252. michaela atkins says:

    olaf he makes us laff so much

  253. Margaret Adamson says:

    My granddaughters love all the characters but mostly love Elsa for the songs which they love to join in with

  254. Mark Rayner says:

    Got to be Olaf

  255. Sue McCarthy says:

    I’ve not seen Frozen and I don’t have any children but would love to win this prize to donate to charity, to go to Romania.

  256. Samantha Atherton says:

    My little girls favorite is Elsa because she’s beautiful, has magic powers and gets to wear a sparkly dress.

  257. midi1975 says:

    We all love Olaf – he’s gorgeous and very cute.

  258. Becci Cleary says:

    My Daughter loves Olaf she says that he makes her laugh like the squirrel off Ice Age!! 🙂

  259. Jennifer Rhymer says:

    My little girl says she loves Elsa because she has a pretty dress and special magic powers to make it snow

  260. D Winfield says:

    All Elsa mad in our house

  261. donna l jones says:

    Olaf he so cute

  262. Catherine Bell says:

    Elsa because she’s a princess

  263. nichola betteridge says:

    i love sven! my daughter loves elsa and always has to have a plait like hers! 😀

  264. Caroline Howard says:

    Elsa because she is pretty

  265. Daisy Craydon says:

    My little one loves Olaf and I must admit…I do too!

  266. Maddy says:

    Violet loves Elsa!

  267. christine westlake says:

    This is beautiful , i know just the lady to wear it.

  268. maria blythin says:

    We all love olaf because he is super cute x

  269. AMANDA ROBINSON says:

    My daughters love Elsa & mummy Olaf

  270. Tarbs Gill says:

    Olaf – because he’s funny!

  271. Cyra Bellamy says:

    My kids love Olaf because he’s so funny

  272. Kay and says:

    ⛄ Olaf, he is so cute and funny! ⛄

  273. ⛄ Olaf he is so cute and funny! ⛄

  274. Karen Barrett says:

    Olaf, Ellie calls him the silly snowman

  275. Helen Schofield says:

    Elsa because she is beautiful and magical

  276. Kim Styles says:

    Olaf because he is very funny

  277. Susan Trubey says:

    Amelia loves Olaf. She giggles every time she sees him.

  278. Holly G says:

    We LOVE Olaf!

  279. Christina Palmer says:

    My Grandaughter loves Olaf because he makes her laugh and he is so cute

  280. Irene Gilmour says:

    olaf he makes us laugh

  281. Michelle Rayner says:

    Elsa because she has such a fun, innocent outlook on life

  282. jen jackson says:

    He loves Olaf he makes her laugh

  283. nadia bates says:

    My daughter loves Anna as she sings the snowman song and that is her favourite, my son likes Olaf

  284. James Stenson says:

    This would be a great present for my girlfriends little girl

  285. donna Clinton says:

    My daughter loves Elsa because of her beautiful hair, she always asks me to style it like Elsa’s for school

  286. Anthea Holloway says:

    My little granddaughter loves Elsa

  287. Tracy says:

    Olaf – hes just too funny

  288. susan gough says:

    My little great niece would love this!

  289. Erica Price says:

    Olaf – he’s cute and funny
    Erica Price recently posted…The Princess Twins of LegendaleMy Profile

  290. Rebecca Clare says:

    Elsa because of her beautiful dress and hair style

  291. Lisa Lewis says:

    my daughter loves elsa because she thinks shes pretty and she likes her special powers, my son loves olaf because hes funny x

  292. gemma nisbet says:

    Anna, because she’s really funny

  293. ella sky says:

    my niece loves elsa

  294. Elsa – she even lets me do her hair to be like Elsa!

  295. sam bailey says:

    Olaf as i love a hug!

  296. Petra says:

    I love Olaf!

  297. Nadia Reid says:

    Both my girls love Elsa & Olaf!

  298. Aimee Morrison says:

    Elsa because her name is Ailsa <3

  299. sharon B says:

    My youngest daughter loves Anna because she also has a bigger sister like her and a bigger sister who she adores.

  300. Jules Naybur says:

    Olaf has my son in stitches

  301. Wendy Tolhurst says:

    Olaf as he always makes my daughter laugh 🙂

  302. Laura Pyper says:

    Olaf because hes funny 🙂

  303. wendy stanger says:

    Got to be Olaf as cute & funny

  304. claire woods says:

    Olaf he’s cute and funny.

  305. catriona nation says:

    My children love olaf because he is so funny

  306. Kelly Hooper says:

    olaf because he makes her laugh

  307. ustupidwoman says:

    has to be elsa

  308. Janet Rumley says:

    my daugher loves Anna – she wants to have hair like her

  309. stephen holman says:

    Elsa as she is so pretty

  310. says:

    My daughter loves Anna because she is funny, and like Anna, she too is the younger sister

  311. Tracy W says:

    Olaf. I don’t know how many times we have watched his song by now, it’s beyond counting!

  312. Naomi Buchan says:

    Sven, hes funny x

  313. charlotte thornton says:

    Olaf as hes so funny!

  314. Lani Nash says:

    Elsa because she is beautiful

  315. Sue Harrison says:

    Amelia loves Elsa because she wants to be just like her

  316. Barbara Handley says:

    My grandchildren enjoy laughing at Olaf.

  317. Keeley Shaw says:

    She loves Elsa because she is beautiful, but we all have a soft spot for Olaf.

  318. Had great fun at the singalong frozen.

  319. olivia Kirby says:

    Anna because she is strong, loyal and beautiful

  320. Jo Silvester says:

    My daughter ‘s favourite is a little predictable – Elsa , because she has the most amazing dress and she sings Let it Go, which my daughter loves to copy.

  321. ANNETTE HADEN says:

    Princess Elsa just a great character

  322. Jo Glasspool says:

    Elsa, as she loves her hair, clothes, everything

  323. claire little says:

    my daughter loves anna and elsa as they’re princesses 🙂

  324. Kym Robson says:

    Has to be the beautiful Elsa we just love the way she can control the ice and snow

  325. cathyj says:

    has to be elsa

  326. carlie bryan says:

    sven x

  327. Stevie says:

    My 4 year old niece knows all the songs and dance move. I think she like Olaf the best.

  328. mat olsen says:

    Olaf as he’s funny

  329. Rachel Butler says:

    My little boys favourite is Olaf, But he sure can sing a lot of the song!! My step daughter loves Elsa! Xo

  330. Andrea Williams says:

    Elsa, as she is always trying to sing like her!

  331. Elsa – because she loves singing her songs!
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  332. Dawn Pratt says:

    Elsa Because she is the queen

  333. simon hardy says:

    My kids like all the characters when they sing the songs (which, to me is the most annoying part)

  334. Fiona Sykiotis says:

    She Adores Elsa as she is the hero in the film!!!!

  335. Tracey Woods says:

    Elsa She loves her

  336. charlotte aldridge says:

    Olaf – he makes us all laugh 🙂

  337. lisa owen says:

    my twin girl loves elsa because she likes princesses and her twin brother laughs at olaf

  338. rebecca nisbet says:

    my stepdaughter loves elsa and my daughter loves anna x

  339. Samantha Schofield says:

    OLAF is my youngest
    ELSA is my eldests

  340. Jane Green says:

    Olaf because he’s funny

  341. Pauline Dring says:

    My Granddaughter’s favourite character is Elsa because an Elsa came to her party

  342. Angie Pickering says:

    My granddaughter loves Elsa because she adores dressing up in princess dresses and loves Elsa’s dress !

  343. Amanda Renirie says:

    Elsa, because she can do magic.

  344. sairz eastham says:

    Olaf, because he’s really funny!

  345. katherine b says:

    My kids love Olaf x

  346. Catherine Gregory says:

    Thank you, I know someones day you would make with this!

  347. stephanie campbell says:

    we like anna and olaf!

  348. Denielle Nicol says:


  349. Chris Fletcher says:

    Elsa and Olaf!

  350. Samantha R says:

    My 8 year old loves Elsa and my 2 year old loves Olaf

  351. Tracey Whysall says:

    Elsa because she has special powers and can change her dress with magic!

  352. Louise Whittaker says:

    Elsa because she loves her singing

  353. Jenny Rogers says:

    Olaf, because he is funny.

  354. Zoe Roxby says:

    Olaf because he is silly and funny

  355. Deirdre M says:

    Elsa all the way!

  356. Caroline James says:

    Elsa because she has loads of cool powers – that is a direct quote from my daughter lol

  357. Chris Minko says:

    Olaf because he makes the film bearable on the ‘nth’ time of watching with my granddaughter!

  358. Storme Perry says:

    My daughter loves Sven, she is such an animal lover. I can see a future animal helper on my hands.

  359. Hester McQueen says:

    Elsa because of the glitter!

  360. Sarah Ballantyne says:

    Caitlin loves Elsa because she has a beautiful voice just like her other disney favourite Ariel. Erin loves Olaf because he is cute and funny.

  361. Kirsteen Mackay says:

    My daughter loves Elsa because she has such beautiful golden hair.

  362. Sue Carter says:

    Olaf, he is so cute

  363. gloria heathcote says:

    WOW , Id love to win it for our granddaughter Macayla

  364. Gemma Chantler says:

    Olaf, because he makes her laugh.

  365. Kati Whiteoak says:

    Elsa is the favourite

  366. LEE HARDY says:

    My daughter liked Elsa because of her powers.

  367. Katherine Teff says:

    Eleanor loves Elsa best because of her singing.

  368. Donna Gilligan says:

    Elsa, because she’s magic

  369. My daughter’s loves Elsa because she sings the let it go song and loves her dress

  370. Andrea Edge says:

    My 3 year old daughter loves them all but i think her favourite is Olaf as she has a Olaf teddy that goes with her everywhere

  371. Claire Ward says:


  372. Olaf is so funny

  373. Dean Tillson says:

    My daughter would love this

  374. Melanie Slater says:

    Love this dress for my frozen fan

  375. Laurie-ann smith says:

    This is so cute

  376. samantha eyles says:

    Elsa, because they love the songs she sings and she has blonde hair like them

  377. Terrie-Ann Wright says:

    Elsa of course because of Let It Go

  378. Jill Fairbank says:

    Olaf as he is funny and cute

  379. ashley smith says:

    my niece’s favourite is elsa because she sings her favourite song let it go! x

  380. Herbert Appleby says:

    Our daughter’s is Elsa because she is beautiful

  381. Chloe Met says:

    My 2 year old niece adores Elsa, she knows all the words to ‘Let it Go’ and is constantly singing it 🙂

  382. nickie hanna says:

    my daughter loves olaf she finds him hillarious and gets so excited when she sees him

  383. Maureen M says:

    Elsa is so beautiful !!!

  384. Susan Pringle says:

    We all love Olaf. I think it’s great how he’s so upbeat about everything.

  385. samantha says:

    olaf he is so funny and he is way cute

  386. Jackie Allum says:

    Not my kiddy but my friends little girl is Elsa nuts as she loves how she sings and her blonde hair.

  387. jacqui brett says:

    Would love this for my little princess who sings what sounds like buried gold instead of let it go, very funny!

  388. LOUISE T says:


  389. Karin Hall says:

    I love Olav, for his selflessness (is that a word???) and his constant optimism – my daughters both love Elsa though!

  390. Monika S says:

    Elsa because shes pretty and my little girl wants to be just like her

  391. Amy Rowlands says:

    It has to be elsa, all she does is sing let it go lol

  392. Kate B says:

    Anna- she’s the feisty one!

  393. Alexandra Blue says:

    our daughter love Olaf because he’s so silly

  394. Hannah T says:

    Elf- hilarious!

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