Win a Frozen Princess Elsa Dress Up Costume

I think nearly all young girls out there are fans of the Disney film Frozen so I was really excited when I heard that Fancy Dress Queen have added a selection of children’s Frozen costumes to their website.

With the Anna Coronation costume or the Princess Elsa costume available in ages 2-10 years, one of them is sure to be a little girls dream outfit!

So you’ll be pleased to know I have one Princess Elsa costume up for grabs in the size of your choice, see the beautiful outfit below and just fill out the form below for a chance to win!

I’ll also have a review of the costume coming soon so keep an eye out for that, Miss M is eagerly awaiting an Elsa costume to dress up in, one of the few dresses that she actually wants to wear!


Elsa costume

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395 thoughts on “Win a Frozen Princess Elsa Dress Up Costume

  1. My Daughters is Elsa because she has magic powers, mine is Anna because she is funny 🙂 thank you for the giveaway x

  2. My neice loves Elsa – so much so that she wore the dress to the wedding, she is sure she is her alter ego

  3. my daughter lexi is obsessed with everything frozen and loves elsa, she has even recirded herself singing let it go for you tube

  4. My daughter loves Anna, I think she an relate to her – very similar. My son loves Olaf and Sven because they are funny!

  5. My daughter’s favourite is Elsa because she just loves to immitate her. She has every action and word of ‘Let it Go’ down to a tea even though she’s only 2.

    Laura x

  6. My children love singing to Frozen and my daughter loves Elsa because she has gorgeous long hair just like her 🙂

  7. My little one’s favourite is Olaf apparently! “Olaf is the best person in Frozen ‘cos he sings a beautiful song and jumps in puddles” – age 3!

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  9. If I’m honest my daughter doesn’tt have a favourite, she adores them all, I would say she has a soft spot for elsa though purely down to the scene where she runs away and builds the ice castle and sings Let it Go, my daughter loves that bit x

  10. My daughters both love Elsa, and my eldest (4yrs) stands in front of the TV miming her words and copying her moves. She also cuddles her Elsa toy to sleep every night. I’m not sure what the attraction is myself, other than her nice plait and lovely dress!

  11. Older child loves Olaf because he’s funny; Adam thinks it’s great when his head falls off.

    Little one divides her time between Anna and Elsa, depending on the song of the moment; it’s currently ‘Let it go’ for Elsa but could change back to Anna for ‘Do you wanna build a snowman’ at any time

  12. My daughter loves Elsa. …. cos Elsa is the big sister and so is she. When I was pregnant with my younger daughter she wanted me to name her Anna.

  13. My daughter likes Anna because she likes her cape, her eyes, her mouth, her head, her hair and her hands (just asked her )

  14. My Daughter loves Elsa because she loves her “ice powers & when she makes a castle when she’s singing” lol. She’s watching Frozen just now in bed! Haha xxx

  15. My daughter’s favourite character is Anna, I think because she looks a lot like Elsa and people always say that so she rebels a bit by liking Anna better.

  16. Our grandaughter likes Elsa best because she lives in a castle and sings (and bless her she likes to sing along with the songs too) but on a different day of the week it can be funny olaf, such is the life of a three and a half year old lol. (who incidently needs age 5-6 clothes because of her height)

  17. As I am the only female in a house with a husband, 3 boys and 2 male dogs I force my family to watch Frozen. I love Elsa she is a woman with power LOL

  18. My granddaughters love all the characters but mostly love Elsa for the songs which they love to join in with

  19. I’ve not seen Frozen and I don’t have any children but would love to win this prize to donate to charity, to go to Romania.

  20. My little girls favorite is Elsa because she’s beautiful, has magic powers and gets to wear a sparkly dress.

  21. My little girl says she loves Elsa because she has a pretty dress and special magic powers to make it snow

  22. My daughter loves Elsa because of her beautiful hair, she always asks me to style it like Elsa’s for school

  23. my daughter loves elsa because she thinks shes pretty and she likes her special powers, my son loves olaf because hes funny x

  24. My youngest daughter loves Anna because she also has a bigger sister like her and a bigger sister who she adores.

  25. My daughter ‘s favourite is a little predictable – Elsa , because she has the most amazing dress and she sings Let it Go, which my daughter loves to copy.

  26. My little boys favourite is Olaf, But he sure can sing a lot of the song!! My step daughter loves Elsa! Xo

  27. Caitlin loves Elsa because she has a beautiful voice just like her other disney favourite Ariel. Erin loves Olaf because he is cute and funny.

  28. My 3 year old daughter loves them all but i think her favourite is Olaf as she has a Olaf teddy that goes with her everywhere

  29. My 2 year old niece adores Elsa, she knows all the words to ‘Let it Go’ and is constantly singing it 🙂

  30. Would love this for my little princess who sings what sounds like buried gold instead of let it go, very funny!

  31. I love Olav, for his selflessness (is that a word???) and his constant optimism – my daughters both love Elsa though!

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