Water Play Toys from the Entertainer

When the days are hot and the sun is blasting on the garden, there is nothing kids love more than playing with water, whether it be in a paddling pool, water guns or another form of water, the children just love getting wet and cooling off in the heat.  Addo toys have come up with a fabulous range of Storm Blasters water guns covering various sizes and price points all available from The Entertainer.


We tried out the Hurricane Warrior, the largest water gun at £10 which can fire up to 10m and holds 2000ml.  We also had the mid range Tornado Trooper  at £6 which fires up to 7m and holds 1000ml and then the smaller Jet Stream which retails for just £2!


The children were so excited to try these out and spent the evening soaking each other and informed me that “These are the best water guns ever mummy!”.

addo water gun

They certainly did blast out a lot of water and were quite powerful but in the hot weather the kids love it and they are being active with plenty of running around.

addo water gun 2

Something completely new and different for us is the Zuru Bunch O Balloons which are basically water bombs.  There are 100 balloons split into three bunches.  To blow up each bunch you simply attach a hosepipe to the top, turn it on and the balloons instantly inflate and as the weight of them drops down you do a sharp tug of the hose and the balloons release from the sticks and self seal with the bands around them.

addo water gun 3

This is such a clever idea which the kids loved.  They couldn’t wait to get started and they were giggling throughout their water fight.  The balloons are a fun idea and just adds a bit of extra excitement into an afternoon of water play.

addo water gun 4

As you can see my two children just love water play in the garden and it’s a great way to get kids outdoors and cool off in the Summer months.

I have one of the Storm Blasters water guns from Addo to giveaway (model will vary dependent on stock availability) so enter below for the chance to win:

Water gun

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.







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181 thoughts on “Water Play Toys from the Entertainer

  1. Put the sprinkler on – my kids love running through it plus it waters the garden at the same time!

  2. the last two hot days my 2 boys have had hours of fun with the paddling pool & 2 plastic cups!! splashing each other & chasing each other round…….simple things 🙂

  3. These look great fun and perfect for some summer water fun. We like to have a water pistol fight in the garden with dustbin lid shields

  4. we have armed the kids with a nerf gun each (we need one now) and water bombs for a free for all in the cul-de-sac

  5. My eldest daughter loves being sprayed with the hose! And I’m sure now that my youngest daughter is walking she will be joining in!! ⛆

  6. we use a collindar and put it on our heads and try to throw water balloons into it. such great fun 🙂

  7. A nice pig paddling pool and put the slide in too and buncho balloons have been a big hit with my kids

  8. We found this really funny thing from Asda (I think it was) that you run through and it sprays you with water as you go through!

  9. I got my children one of those shell sand/water tables and i give them empty shampoo bottles and jugs, they play with it for hours.

  10. My two youngest love a tub each filled with water and bubbles. we also have a bouncy castle with a water play option so that is great for all four children

  11. We done a helmet challenge on our summer fun day at work, going over an obstacle course with a helmet with 2 cups of water attached, great fun!

  12. We let them use the water out the water butt to ‘clean’ their playhouse. It is very stinky but they love it!

  13. Paddling pool is always a hit. Also a bucket of water and some paint brushes – they’ll spend hours painting the fence, concrete etc

  14. a crazy daisy – much more fun than a sprinkler as they are much more random!! Enjoyed by kids nd dogs alike 🙂

  15. we play in the paddling pool, we play the games what floats and what does not, we also use water bombs 🙂

  16. We create an under the sea small world with a large bowl of water and a few relevant items. Children love playing and making up stories with it.

  17. My little boy loves water balloons. He loves the little pool we have too and always asks to get it out… even in the rain (which we don’t do by the way haha) xxx

  18. I find that just giving lillie pops the hose is all the entertainment she needs, especially aiming it at me

  19. Slip and slide. We have one of them long flat slides that you spray water and soap on, and you slide across the garden on your belly, You know it’s summer when you get that baby out!

  20. Our kids always had water guns & at some point over the summer holidays there would be a mad water fights amongst all the kids in the street! Hubby was known to join in 🙂

  21. Fill a balloon full of water and stand in a circle and throw the balloon to each other and each time the balloon reaches everyone .Every body stands further and further apart until the balloon bursts

  22. If you have a sloped lawn, run the hosepipe from the top of the garden and then slide down the grass on a twister mat. We loved doing this as kids -our very own water slide.

  23. Set up an obstacle course with anything you happen to have. Tunnels to climb through, chairs to walk round, old tyre to go through, etc. Then take it in turns to go round the course with a beaker full of water and see who is first to fill up a bucket or jug.

  24. A paddling pool filled with water and add some ball-pool balls on top of the water! It’s ultimate fun!

  25. We use sports drinks bottles to squirt water into targets of different sized buckets, my grandsons love it

  26. Sprinkler on the slide to become water slide & bath in a bucket are our most popular water games this summer 🙂

  27. My little guy can’t get enough of bubbles and the solution is very cheap and easy to make so it keeps him occupied for ages. We try to use different toys to blow bigger and better ones aswell as weird and unusual shapes. x

  28. My kids love water games, they made a water slide by using our existing small plastic slide and put towels at the bottom and poured loads of water down, worked a treat .x

  29. I didn’t have any. Maybe just a paddling pool but with this prize there’s lots of water play ideas.

  30. My children have a plant sprayer each which they fill with water and chase each other with, hours of fun!

  31. Use the sand tray as a washing or washing up bowl. Wash dolls and clothes or kitchen equipment in the garden

  32. We use all the plastic from the recycling… milk bottles soft drinks bottles etc and just let them play

  33. We play with water pistols, water balloons, splatt balls, a water slide, a spraying hippo, a squirting octopus, Sally Sunflower and a swimming pool. We put little fish and ducks in the swimming pool and go fishing.

  34. my kids love playing with a washing up bowl full of water, plastic cups and spoons and squirting water with the little plastic syringes that come with calpol, etc …

  35. Crazy Daisy that attaches to the hoze pipe, water balloons, Plastic sheet down with lots of water and fairy liquid makes a great slide

  36. I was directing a childrens summer camp and we had a slippy slide, had water balloon games. one was where they were split into 4 teams and each team had a set amount of water guns and bombs. each team had one person with a few toilet rolls around there neck on a string and the aim was to keep their toilet rolls dry while wetting the other teams in the allotted time. The driest rolls won the game!

  37. My kids love using a paintbrush to write with water. The youngest practises her name and the eldest practises her times tables. Fun, great practice during the school holidays and no mess!

  38. We like to draw on the patio in chalk then wash it off with the hose, which usually ends in a little water fight x

  39. Always remember the sunblock! Easy to end up with sun burned kids when enjoying the water (sorry to be so practical)

  40. I put the pool up and use chlorine tablets in it to make the water cleaner and useable for longer, then get giant inflatables for the kids to float in

  41. Put the hose down my daughters slide and turn it into a water slide for her slide down into a paddling pool

  42. A hose, long piece of thick plastic, fairy liquid and then lots of fun sliding down our homemade water slide.

  43. We live round the corner from the beach and we are literally there every day we can go, the kids spend most of the time in the sea, they love it. Occasionally we play in the garden with the paddling pools and a sprinkler which they love 🙂

  44. mine love getting the paddling pool out and is it bad i keep it free from grass and muck so end i add bubbles to clean kids-not to replace a bath just a general clean then use it to water my flowers XD

  45. we love filling the paddling pool not just with water but with coloured bath bombs and bubble bath too, the kids love it

  46. I get the water table out and the plastic food. Give them a sponge and a cloth. They love washing it all and setting up a restaurant.

  47. Water table and bubble gun helps to keep my daughter entertained! Would love to win this one, she would love it 🙂

  48. we just have a good old fashioned water fight with cups and bucket of water and also like to use water guns to make pictures and write names on the patio/paths

  49. We often have water fights in our house although they are suppose to happen in the garden lol and the neighbours often join in

  50. Always water pistols and water balloons…chasing the kids with water is one of their all time favorite thing……having the pool set up as well so they can get in an out when they please and play with the pool toys.
    LOVE summer 🙂 xx

  51. Can’t beat a good old water fight with sponges and water pistols. We also have a slip and slide which is always great fun

  52. You can’t beat a hose, a paddling pool and a couple of empty water bottles for loads of creative fun!

  53. Painting the fence with water makes the children think they are painting properly and they love it. They paint everything brick work, the patio and the outside furniture.

  54. Hi, Emma! We love this Hurricane Warrior water gun! I am giving away these babies to my nephews and nieces asap. Cheers!

  55. I bought the Hurricane Warrior as a gift for my nephew. As soon as he received it, he won’t let his cousins borrow it. Hahaha. He plays with it every bath time. Though the house becomes a mess whenever the Hurricane is present, it’s okay because he is having fun. Xoxo.

  56. I bet my wife, sister, and brother will enjoy the toys too! Hahaha. (You know, we miss our childhood days so much). But kidding aside, I have read good reviews about these water play toys so I think these are a must-have for kids! We’ll surely buy the Hurricane Warrior water gun asap.

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