Spring has Sprung with Baker Ross Kids Crafts

After dull Winter days it’s nice to see the colours of Spring coming out in the garden and these craft kits from Baker Ross are perfect for kids to make and brighten up the inside of the house too!  From flowers to bugs, everything is bright and colourful and they are all so simple to make, that I find they have a wide appeal which both my 9 and 6 year olds love to get stuck into.

Without any hesitation, the children sat down and started making, colouring and sticking, they love these kits and it’s always a joy to see them engrossed in creating something we can enjoy to look at for the next few months.

I thought the Flower Suncatcher Decorations looked stunning strung across the kitchen windows catching the sun as it beams through.  Everyone that has visited has admired these and they really brighten up the view.

These Creative Colouring Flower Wreaths are so simple but look so effective, the children are working their way through colouring the whole set so I can hang them up somewhere.  They love dipping in and out of colouring these after school, at breakfast time etc.

How cute are these Bug Pom Pom Decorations?  A simple pom pom ball with a few sticky accessories that makes them come alive.  Making the pom pom is best suited to slightly older children so Mister B left these to Miss M to make.  She’s finished this little ladybird and is currently working on a bee.  I can’t wait to see the trio of finished bugs altogether, so cute!

One of the children’s favourite to make were these Peacock Crinkle Decorations,  so simple by just fanning some crepe paper for the feathers and then just sticking extra details on.  These look lovely on my kitchen wall and I think it’s great for the children to see and admire all the beautiful things they make everyday.

As you can see, Spring really has sprung inside my house with all these beautifully coloured crafts the children have made for me using the fun kits from Baker Ross.  These make a great anytime activity, which children enjoy and love seeing the finished results!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.



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