Professor Scrubbington’s Emporium of Clean is a new brand range of young persons wash products with a quirky style that I love and products that have been thought about in both packaging and what’s inside. Suitable for both males and females, I was keen to see what my children thought about them.
When my parcel of goodies arrived, I was immediately impressed with the packaging, therefore knew there must be something good inside. The cardboard box resembled a suitcase with various luggage style stickers attached – so cute!!
Inside was a selection of Professor Scrubbington products ranging from hand wash to body wash, hair shampoo and conditioner and even a deodorant.
The packaging is very unisex and the bottles a good chunky, easier to hold design. Where they are a little bit different is in the lids. The hand wash has a large, chunky pump style top which is great for younger hands to push down. The body wash, shampoo and conditioner have large style lids with a flat end meaning you can keep them stored upside down, meaning the product is always at the end of the bottle you need it at. A simple squeeze and the product is easily dispensed into your hand.
All the products are a minimum of 95% and free of parabens. With gentle, mositurising Aloe Vera in them they have a light, delicate fragrance. One of the best properties about these products is the way they foam into a rich lather, perfect for little hands to help spread the product across their bodies.
My children loved using these products and I love the ease of use and they look good in the bathroom. I’m therefore happy to offer one of my readers the chance to win a set of Professor Scrubbington products, just fill in the gleam from below:
Professor scrubbingtons
All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the products in order to write the review.
Allow some independence and encourage your children to start washing themselves or helping to wash a sibling who is in the bath with them. I bath my two girls together and they enjoy washing eachothers back and hair!
Let them help rub in soap/body wash on themselves and rinse off and then play time after
have fun
Make sure you have everything you need to hand before you begin!
Make them fun 🙂
Make bath time fun! My girls love a lot of bubbles x
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lots and lots of bubbles
Make it fun rather than functional with songs and toys
Have lots of fun!
For little ones give them plenty of fair warning before it’s time to get out, that way when the fun stops they don’t fall apart
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Make it as fun as possible. If they don’t like bathtime… use toys, bath crayons or bath products that change the water colour ( depending on skin type) to make it more appealing.
Have fun and enjoy it
have lot of plastic cups for them to play!
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lots of fun splashing and ducks!
Don’t wear clothes you care about
Make it fun!
get everything ready before putting the children in
Use no tears shampoo, washing hair can be a nightmare
Make it fun, with lots of toys and bubbles x
Embrace the splashing
Have everything handy!
Keep it fun.
fun fun fun
Bath times shouldn’t be a chore and as long as they have a bathtime routine then it should be simple.
Make bath time fun. My little one likes lots of toys, bubbles and pouring water
Make it fun and turn bath time into a game
Use an all in one shampoo and body cleanser – simple.
Make it fun. Still and point at body parts, play with multicoloured soaps and create lots of bubbles
Give them lots of toys to play with.
Make it fun, make it creative and engaging, encourage interaction and let them have a say in what THEY really like to do
Make it as fun as you can.
we bought some bath letters and numbers to help them learn
Give them a 5 minute warning before bathtime is over and allow them to pull out the plug.
have lots of toys ready!
Lots of toys! My youngest loves playing with her toys in the bath 🙂
Always make bath time fun but do the essentials first, then the play, & tell them in advance when they will be getting out.
Make sure you have everything ready! And cover the floor! x
Ensure that there’s lots of fun products and toys and bath crayons involved so they don’t consider it a chore!
make it fun we have bubble bath bath crayons and bath paint
It’s all about having fun
Preparation – make sure everything is where little (and big) hands need it!
Make it fun
Have everything ready and be prepared to get splashed!
Lots of bubbles, lots of toys & lots of fun, make getting out part of your game too so it doesn’t cause tears xx
loads of bubbles x
Lots of toys
Fun and bubbles
Let them enjoy themselves
Make sure they get their faces wet every bathtime from birth
Keep a towel handy for yourself, they do like to splash lol 🙂
Bath the little ones together, saves on water and makes it fun
regular time every evening to make the children relax before bed
Plastic cups and empty bottles make the best toys – no need to spend lots on special bath toys.
Make it fun, loads of bubbles and singing. My daughters love bath time, they sometimes refuse to get out!
make it fun with plenty of toys and bubbles
Lots of toys
Miss A like to get her toys and make potions with empty bottles, that’s her fun when she’s in the bath
Let them have 5 mins to do what they want before they get out
Make it fun for them. We always let our son pick a sensible toy (not battery operated) to take in the bath. We also bought him a buzz lightyear water gun with a floating Zurg target which he LOVES!
Get the ‘trauma’ of washing done straight away so they can play before they get out. Get a character towel or dressing gown for when they get out. Our boy loves his spiderman hooded towel & his George’s Dinosaur dressing gown 🙂 x
Make it fun
plenty of toys to play with will distract them when washing hair x
lots of bubbles and toys!
Lots of bubbles
Make it fun, and lots of bubbles are essential x
Let kids choose which bath toys to make it fun!
No tv, no radio, no phones. Just parent and child using the time to have fun and communicate with no distractions.
Don’t rush it, bathtime is a great time for fun, play an dchatting!
Make sure you have everything to hand before you start and make it fun!
Give them time to play.
Make it as fun as possible with lots of bubbles and bath toys!
Make bath time fun! x
Make it fun, get involved and don’t get angry about getting drenched or a soaking wet bathroom floor x
make it fun, my little girl loves toys in the bath, she will spend a little while in their playing, its hard to get her out sometimes.
make bathtime fun! bubbles, toys, songs!
Have plenty of toys and goggles so soap doesn’t get in eyes when hair washing!
TOYS TOYS and more TOYS 🙂
It’s a fun time, so use an extended bath as a time filler when you are feeling under the weather. Specially good when you have a cold, as the steam helps you too!
Get them used to the shower as early on as possible, so if you go on holiday or stay anywhere that hasn’t got a bath, it’s no big surprise.
At the moment for us with a toddler that won’t sit still it has to be a decent bath mat, lots of toys and a towel on hand to dry up all the splashes!
Make it Fun! Let them help with the washing themselfs 🙂
Make bath time fun, bubbles, toys and some music encourage splashing and games and they will love bath time! x
Lots of toys and bubbles! Bathtime fun 🙂
My kids have lots of toys, and they love bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles!
Don’t discourage your kids from spending time and playing in the bathtub, you will soon be greatful for them wanting to take one.
get organised before hand,
Make it fun! Toys and games.
Put some fun music on!
have fun !
Make it fun with lots of bubbles and toys 🙂
Lots of toys to play with
bubbles! all kids love bubbles x
Toys, Music & Gamnes 🙂
plenty of bubbles in the bath
Leave plenty of time to have fun!
Make bathtime fun.
Let them have fun!
Make sure you’ve got some diver dolls to find the soap when it sinks to the bottom of the bath.
Lots of fun! make bath time fun. Children develop a fear of water very early on and can dislike water in their eyes or face. From a very early age I have splashed their face a little in games and mine love the water! I add glow sticks to the water and turn the light off and the bathroom glows up. Bath time is the best time of the day!
for kids who dont like books get foam letters to float in bath so make words inventing fun water games
My top bath time tip is to make it into playtime! I have a 16 month old and I sing songs (like “five little ducks went swimming one day”), some bath toys (duckies!) and make up stories as I wash.
We have a special ‘bath song’ which involves a bit of dancing and splashing, can only be sung in the bath!
Loads of bubbles and toys
Lots of toys and bubbles, bath time should be fun never a chore
I sometimes have a bath with my son – not only is it really fun but saves time and water too! x
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Try to give them some control so they’ll be less likely to get upset.
Have toys in the bath
Make it fun, do all the cleaning and routine stuff first then they can play and you can relax!
Make it fun and let them help wash themselves even if you don’t think it’s very effective
Get well prepared before you put the child in the bath
make it fun, we have toys and bath paints that get played with
Make it fun
Spend time talking about your days and singing songs/ telling stories
Lots of bubbles and toys
Wash hair and body first then playtime
Keep it fun!
Lots of toys
relax and enjoy,try not to worry about the mess!
make it fun
find some old containers and watch them fill them up and empty them
Make it fun! 🙂
water guns !! lots of fun and makes bathtime something they enjoy !
Make it fun, my children have lots of empty shampoo and bubble bath bottles that they love to play with and pour wanter into.
Have lots of fun and have it as part of your bedtime routine.
fun time with bubbles
Wash then play, that’s are rule
make it fun, take your time
Don’t rush it – you’ll get impatient. Let them have time, make it enjoyable, toys help.
Interact and make it fun, worry about the mess later 🙂
Vary it – I get a different selection of toys out each time.
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make bathtime lots of fun with toys and games and take their mind off the whole hair washing thing!
Make bath time fun and it will never be a problem!
keep it fun we always make bule with our hand with the bar of soap
Make it fun. We have loads of bath toys and water pistols so our children can have a good splash about and they see it as a real highlight of our day!
Make it fun fun fun!!! lots of toys and get them to help wash their brothers and sisters x
Give them lots of empty containers to play with, it’s a great distraction from hair washing too
Keep it fun with singing, laughing and toys…also make sure its part of a bedtime routine.
make it fun
Get the hairwash over with at the beginning….otherwise you both dread it the whole way through!
Never leave them alone especially babies and toddlers, not even for 10 seconds
Use it as a playtime to bond and have fun
take your time and encourage them to wash themselves, plus having a few toys adds to the fun
Loads of toys and bubbles
It’s all one big game, it’s managed to stop the panic of hair washing 🙂
Mine like wearing goggles, it keeps the water out of their eyes.
Make it fun (bubbles, bath toys and funky hooded towels)
Make it fun with lots of bubbles 😀
let them have fun!