
Ozeri 3D Pedometer – Review

Ozeri produce a wide range of household products from kitchenware to fitness gadgets so when I was sent a Ozeri Pedometer to try I knew it’d fit in perfectly with the healthy lifestyle that I’m currently trying to attain.

Ozeri PedometerThe Ozeri pedometer records steps, distance, calories and time and works using your own stride, something you have to programme in at the start along with current date/time/your weight etc.  This helps it to give accurate feedback on your progress throughout your day.

Having only used basic pedometer’s in the past, I could immediately see the benefits of the Ozeri.  One of the biggest bonuses for me was the 3D Tri-Axis motion sensor, meaning that no matter where you have the pedometer or what way up it is, it still manages to accurately record your steps.  It makes it so easy to slip into your pocket and go about day to day life.  Also I love the way that it waits until you have done 13 steps before adding them on, unlike the basic ones that increased steps everytime you jiggle about in your chair.

A feature I like is that it resets itself back to zero at midnight so you can get up the next morning knowing that you are starting a new day, although the great thing is your previous days are stored to give you a 7 day total.

I was a bit shocked the first few days I tried the Ozeri pedometer, in that I was only achieving just over 6000 steps, although to be fair I wasn’t doing any particular walking or exercise on those days.  It has made me more conscious to make an effort to try and achieve over 10,000 steps each day.  I still find this a little hard on the days I work, but it gives me an excuse to get up and take a walk around the office!

Ozeri pedometerThe Ozeri pedometer comes in a nice slim design with easy to press buttons, and being bright yellow means it’s easy to find when you put it down.  Once set up, you can just use it to track your steps each day and a simple press of a button shows you your calories and distance.  Having the time and date on the front was an added bonus and a feature I found useful.

The pedometer comes with an optional attachment to allow you to wear around your neck and also a very handy little screwdriver to open the battery compartment.  There is also a backlight for night viewing which can be useful.

Overall I think the Ozeri is an excellent pedometer, perfect for anyone wanted to keep track of their steps throughout the day.  It works well, gives accurate results, is a compact design and is packed with features allowing you to track your daily movements.

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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  1. Pam Gregory says:

    This looks great – It would certainly be interesting to see how far I go with all the running around I do!!

  2. Mummy of Two says:

    That looks great – I should really dig out my pedometer always found it interesting!

  3. thesoupdragonsays says:

    This looks like a much better one than the cheepie Tesco freebie that I have I wonder how far I walk in a day!

  4. spicers1976 says:

    I’ve had scary days with mine (not this model or make) where I’ve done 2500 steps in a day #eek

  5. julie baxter says:

    looks fantastic

  6. With the Ozeri models, I’ve found that they are the most accurate when worn around the neck, and they’re best for very active individuals. Still useful for someone looking to get out and start getting active, as they are an excellent pedometer for their price range.

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