Duck Tape is so versatile and over the last few years we’ve tried several craft projects with it.  This year we were given the opportunity to create a Christmas wreath using Duck Tape and I knew my 8yr old would be up for the challenge of helping me out, so last weekend we got stuck in and spent an afternoon with a table of Duck Tape.
wp_20161126_10_34_08_pro We were provided with a polystyrene wreath and the relevant colour Duck Tapes and couldn’t wait to get started. We had to cut just over sixty 6 inch strips of green tape which we folded and fringed with the scissors.  This was Miss M’s job whilst I stuck the strips around the wreath.  We used a whole roll of green tape up but fortunately I had a little green left on a roll in the garage so we were able to continue. duck-tape-wreath

I then made a large red bow and cut out some red berries and gold glittery stars.  I have to say we are really impressed with the finished result and think it looks fabulous up on the wall.  I’m going to hang it on my inner door for the festive season so all our visitors get to see and admire our lovely creation.  Duck Tape projects always seem to be a talking point with others and they are intrigued at all the wonderful things you can make with it.

We loved working with the tape as it’s strong and durable and I hope we can pack this Duck Tape wreath away after the festive season and bring it out again for many years yet.  I’m sure Miss M will love looking back in a few years at the great wreath that she helped to create.  Why don’t you try making a Duck Tape wreath to hang on a door in your home this festive season?

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.

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