Day to Day

A very busy but fun Xmas & New Year!!

Wow – it feels like so long since I blogged, I took an unintended long break over the festive period due to being just so busy!!  The run up to Christmas was crazy with so much going on and so many things to do and Miss M and I both felt a little poorly during the week before.

It was so exciting to see Miss M in her first school nativity, where she chose to play a shepherd.  I was slightly annoyed though when the show started and proud Mister B couldn’t help himself and called out to his big sister upon seeing her a number of times and the mother sitting in front of me turned round and told me to leave unless he kept quiet!!

NativityMy parents arrived a few days before Xmas which was nice and gave me some time to wrap presents – how many? – I wish I had counted but my arms were aching and fingers sore by the time they were all done.  But the fireplace didn’t disappoint on Christmas morning when Santa had done his deliveries.  Miss M and Mister B were so excited and didn’t know where to begin.

We had a lovely Christmas day although I have to say by far the most exhausting for me – I don’t think I got to sit down other than to eat Christmas dinner!!

XmasAfter Christmas was over we had a few days to relax before preparing for Miss M’s birthday party on New Year’s Eve.  I cheated this year and decided to hold it at the local leisure centre with a bouncy castle and despite costing double the amount that I spent on a party last year for the same number of children I have to say I was slightly disappointed with the overall way it ran and will definitely go back to doing a party myself again next year.  I also cheated on the birthday cake!!!  The first year I haven’t made my children a homemade cake but I did make it up slightly by baking some yummy chocolate cupcakes, iced in buttercream and finished with a personalised pink M&M!!

BirthdayOn New Year’s Day my gorgeous little Miss M officially became 5 years old!!  Where have the last five years gone?  We had a lovely day, which started sunny so ventured down to the park on Miss M’s new bike and Mister B’s new scooter.  We then enjoyed a birthday lunch with family before opening birthday presents and relaxing for the rest of the day.

NYDSo although busy, we have had some lovely family times over the last few weeks and I look forward to see what 2013 brings us!!

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