Annabel Karmel Fuss Pots – Review

When I was offered the opportunity by Mummy News to try the new range of microwaveable ready meals, Fuss Pots for 4-12 year olds by Annabel Karmel, I jumped at the chance.  I have a 4 yr old daughter who although is quite a good eater, can be fussy with different and new flavours, especially the various world cuisine dishes being offered by Annabel Karmel, so this seemed like the ideal opportunity to see how well received they would be along with enjoying the convenience of ready meals.

fusspot_spagbolfusspot_nasigorengfusspot_kormalFuss pots

The pots are a really handy easy to hold size with monster designs on the packaging that instantly appealed to Miss M, and once she spotted the dotted lines on the inside she couldn’t wait to cut the various body parts out!!

The first meal we tried was the Spaghetti Bolognese, a favourite of Miss M’s, so I was hoping this would go down well.  The portion size is very generous and really a little bit too much for Miss M who is almost 5 yrs old, so I divided up the meal between Miss M and her 2 yr old brother Mister B to see how well each of them liked it.  It was also ultra convenient being only a few minutes in the microwave but I had no hesitation in using this for a quick meal knowing that there are lots of hidden vegetables within each portion.

The pair of them sat there and gobbled up their bowls of spaghetti Bolognese without any hesitation and when I asked Miss M for her verdict, the first word she said was “yummy”.

Fuss Pots

The next night we tried the Indian Chicken Korma.  I wasn’t sure how this would be received as it’s not  dish we would normally have at home but to my surprise it was eaten up with no fuss at all.  Mister B just tucked in with no complaints – although he does have curries at nursery.  Miss M on the other hand did show a sceptical face after her first mouthful as she hadn’t known what to expect but then happily finished the rest.

Finally we tried Indonesian Chicken & Rice Nasi Goreng.  Being a rice dish, both did eat it quite well although I get the feeling this was their least favourite of the three meals we tried.

I think overall the Fuss Pot range by Annabel Karmel went down really well with my two children and I think it’s a great way to give them a healthy, mild taste of international cuisine.  The convenience of the ready meals is really handy and they microwave in just a few minutes making them great for evenings where time is short or particularly busy.

The other fun factor with the pots, is that when you finished you can wash them out and use them to grow seeds in.  And on the back of the cardboard packaging are fun eyes, mouths and feet to cut out and stick on the pots.  Miss M really enjoyed cutting and sticking to produce her monster pots and we are now looking forward to growing some cress in them.

We loved trying the Annabel Karmel Fuss Pots and would definitely recommend them.

Available to purchase from Sainsbury’s RRP £2.90

For more information visit

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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