Win a Thorntons Christmas Chocolate Bundle

It’s the season for chocolate, well it is all year in my book, but hey at least you can enjoy it at this time of year without worrying about your waistline.  There are a vast array of special designs and moulded figures available for the festive season that look almost too good to eat.

Thorntons have come up with a wonderful range suitable for children designed around The Snowman and The Snowdog, with much of it made of white chocolate.  There are beautifully crafted models, chocolate lollipops and selection packs.  Why don’t you check out the lovely range of Christmas gifts here at Thorntons.

ThorntonsIf you’d like to win The Snowman & The Snowdog Christmas Bundle from Thorntons, then I have one to giveaway to a lucky reader, just fill in the form below to enter:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Terms and conditions
Prize draw open to customers and non-customers aged 18 or over who are UK residents. Draw is not open to employees of Thorntons, their families or anyone associated with this draw. Proof of eligibility must be provided on request.
Winners will be drawn at random at the end of the promotion.
The promoter reserves the right (a) to add to or waive any rules on reasonable notice (b) cancel or postpone the promotion at any stage in the event of circumstances beyond its reasonable control; or (c) in its reasonable discretion to substitute a prize of equal or greater value.

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339 thoughts on “Win a Thorntons Christmas Chocolate Bundle

    1. Eileen : – ET Speaks From Home

      Please allow Rafflecopter competition entry via e-mail (any account), comment (via any e-mail account, or as a guest to the site), subscribing to blog via e-mail, etc.

  1. White Chocolate is my fave, though I am partial to Milk chocolate as well, and I know dark choc is better for you than the others, but hey, it has a very strong taste, however pleasant 😀

  2. I love all chocolate but love dark chocolate with coffee, milk chocolate for just munching and I adore white maltesers

  3. I am greedy when it comes to chocolate, I love it all, if I have to pick one I think I would say dark plain

  4. I love all chocolate but there’s something really comforting about white isn’t there, a taste of childhood when I was carefree perhaps

    1. Note to self. I must double check Roboform. If you spot this and are able to change my email address to my name I would really appreciate it! Thanks.

  5. I dont think you can beat godiva chocolate – i had there dark hot chocolate at the weekend it was wonderful !

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