Primula Squeezy Cheese for Kids – Review

Primula Squeezy Cheese for Kids comes in handy, easy to squeeze tubes that make it simple to add to sandwiches, meals or even used as a simple dip.  With added calcium, reduced salt and no nasty additives this is great for children however young.

primula 1Miss M was intrigued when she saw them and wanted to have a “squeeze” herself so she set about making her own sandwiches using some squeezy Primula instead of butter then adding some ham.  She found it very easy to squeeze and spread herself which is great, allowing her to be independent in making her own lunches.

For Mister B I added some Primula to hot cooked pasta and allowed it to melt around the pasta giving it a soft, creamy cheese sauce.  I then added some ham and served and I have to say it was a resounding success.  Perfect for a quick after school meal.  I would also add some vegetables to it in future such as some frozen peas and sweetcorn or a little fresh brocolli.

primula 2

Both children also enjoyed using the Primula cheese as a dip for carrot sticks, cucumber and breadsticks!!   A very versatile cheese that kids enjoy!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the Primula in order to write the review.

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