Orion Children’s Early Reader books – Review

I’m really pleased with how Miss M’s reading has come along since she started school.  She’s doing excellently with her phonics and loves sitting to read by herself in bed.  So when Orion Books sent us some early reader books to try, I knew she would be pleased.

orion books shumbaThe first book we read was Shumba’s Big Adventure, a lovely story of a cute little lion cub who wanders away from home, ends up being captured and taken on an adventure with other animals before luckily escaping and finding his way back to his family.

The book is full of colour illustrations on every page and with just a couple of lines to read which ensures young children like Miss M don’t get bored.  Miss M did really well and could read a lot of the words although there were some words that challenged her, so I felt that this is the perfect level of book for her.

orion books henryThe next book we read was Horrid Henry’s Homework – as soon as Miss M saw the front cover she was very excited as she is a huge Horrid Henry fan and sits watching his DVD’s whenever she gets the chance.

Miss M found this book more challenging than Shumba’s Big Adventure, but in a way that is a good thing, as it gives her something to practice.  As the book really appeals to her she is determined to give it a go and we try a few pages at a time.

orion books shumba horrid henry

One thing Miss M loved about both of these books is the chapters!  It made her feel all grown up and she loved using her bookmark to keep her page.  I think both of these books make excellent early readers, I love the fact that every single page is illustrated and with just a few lines of writing, the child doesn’t get lost in a sea of words.  The books are of excellent quality with durable pages.  A thumbs up from us!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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4 thoughts on “Orion Children’s Early Reader books – Review

  1. love the pics of her reading to herself, how cute! we have the shumba one too. Mr Z is still finding it a bit challenging, but definitely found it good to help him on his way

  2. My kids have about 12 of these books and they are great! The stories and illustrations are lovely and text is easy for the children to follow.

  3. Remembering back to my childhood when I was in preschool, I felt amazed every time I saw a dolphin in the book. Thank you so much for the fantastic post. I’m happy that I got to stand by for this beautiful site.

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