Monster Catcher by Orchard Toys – Review

The first thing that struck me when opening the Monster Catcher game from Orchard Toys were the brightly coloured picture cards.  They are really appealing to any little ones and 4 yr old Miss M loved them.  I think monsters are quite a neutral theme appealing to both boys and girls.

What I loved about this game was the fact that it was very easy to play and grasp the rules but was also complex enough that it had several elements within the game that allowed for added interest and also longer engagement with the game.

The object of the game is to collect the most monsters, which are broken down into two halves.  There are also extra cards such as a net full of monsters, the “Monster Catcher” cards which if you are unfortunate to pick one up, you have to place all of your completed monsters into the centre of the game play.  But then the lucky person who picks up the full net card can rescue any monsters from the centre of the game and add them to their cards.  There is also a timer feature where throughout the gameplay you will come across six picture cards which are put together like a puzzle to make a picture.  Once all these cards have been found the game ends and it is time to count up each players monsters to decide who the winner is.

Orchard Toys always include an educational guide with their games on the box which for this game suggests:

– Develop matching and counting skills
– Encourage social interaction
– Develop instruction following and turn taking
– Link to National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals

We played this game a number of times with both 2 and 3 players and Miss M loved the thrill of the monster catcher cards.  Although she was disappointed when her monsters were caught, it gave an exciting element to the game and she became even more excited when she picked up the card enabling her to rescue all the monsters that had been caught.  I thought this game was packed full of elements for young children to really engage themselves with the game and become totally immersed in the play.  Being fast paced and relatively short there was constant action and always a change in who was in the lead.  As this is a game of chance rather than skill, it makes it more enjoyable for older children and adults to join in with younger players.

A great game for family’s with young children and highly recommended by us.

For a more detailed view and to see Miss M’s views please watch our video below:

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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