So the last 4 years and 8 months has flown by and now my little baby Miss M has become Miss M the little school girl!!!

September2This time in her life always seemed so far away, but the first day of school arrived this week and Miss M was so excited.  She is always keen to learn, explore and try new things so is more than ready for school right now but I will miss her and realise how precious the first few years of her life have been.

The night before school she was very keen and helped to get her bags ready, make her pack lunch and lay out her school uniform.  She then persisted in staying awake until after 10pm during which time she played with multiple toys in her bed.  The final time I went into her bedroom to see what she was up to she had her magnetic letter set on the bed and justified still playing by saying ” Mummy, I’m just learning letters for school tommorow”.  How could I be cross with her?  Eventually she nodded off and the morning arrived to which she jumped out of bed and begged to put her school uniform on.  I made sure she had breakfast first to avoid any unsightly spills, then she hurried up the stairs and insisted on dressing herself entirely doing each button up on her blouse and the zip on her skirt.  I felt very proud of her especially when seeing her in the full ensemble.

With such fabulously sunny mornings it has been a pleasure to walk to school this week(not sure I’ll be saying that on the wintery/rainy/cold and dark mornings that are sure to come).  Little Mister B has walked with us and Miss M has insisted on holding his reins on the entire route to school with him obeying her every command.  It is wonderful to see them getting on so well and respecting each other as brother and sister.

SeptemberFor now I look forward to hearing all the adventures, experiences and turmoils that Miss M will have during her time at school and wish her all the best on her new journey. xx

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2 thoughts on “Miss M starts school!!

  1. My little boy started school in September too. It is so hard to let them go isn’t it but you know they are ready for the next stage in their life 🙁 Some lovely pictures and great memories of her first day. Hope she is still enjoying it and doing well? x

  2. She loves school although gets very tired. She was definitely ready for it and has learnt so much in 2 terms as I’m sure your little boy has. It is hard to let the go and they grow up so fast – she went to her first sleepover last weekend!!

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