Little Tiger Press Children’s Book Reviews

We were sent two lovely books from Little Tiger Press to review.  They are both large square paperbacks of excellent quality with beautiful illustrations throughout.

 Mouse and the Moon

Firstly we looked at Mouse and the Moon, a story about a mouse who’s best friend is the moon, but one night it disappears and mouse goes looking for it, meeting several other animal friends along the way.  This is a lovely story spread across colourful, glittery pages that children love to look at and rub their fingers over the glittery patches.  The story is about friendship and gives a message of helping each other and finding new friends by working together.  Miss M enjoyed this story at bedtime and even tried to read a few pages herself with her new found reading skills since starting school.  We love this book and with its attractive design and cute storyline would definitely appeal to young children between the ages of 3 and 6 years.

Duck Says Don't!We then read Duck Says Don’t, another book full of bright, detailed illustrations giving us plenty to look at and talk about between reading the story.  The story in this book gives a clear message that by being bossy and trying to take charge of things will only turn your friends away and leave you on your own.  So plenty to think about and discuss after reading this book and we liked that it had a happy ending when Duck realised the mistakes that he had made and was able to change things around to make everyone happy again.  A lovely book that would appeal to a variety of ages, Mister B who is 2.5 enjoyed it as a story but someone a bit older like 5yr old Miss M could understand the message of the book and gave us a talking point to discuss with her, relating it to playing with her brother and how if she doesn’t let him do certain things then he won’t want to play with her!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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