
Dishwashing by Hand versus Dishwasher

One of my pet hates is washing the dishes, a chore that comes up everyday and with four people in the household, we do accumulate plenty of dishes.   To be honest I try and avoid the task as much as possible leaving it for the husband to do, while I get on with the laundry, tidying and general sorting out.  I do cook all the meals in the house so I guess it is only fair to share the kitchen duties between us! lol WP_004819It really bugs me seeing the mound of dishes grow beside the sink all day and the ideal solution to this would be to get a dishwasher.  Not only could you hide away any dirty dishes throughout the day until the dishwasher is full, just think of all the time saved washing up and no debates about who’s turn it is to do it.  Oh and best of all it’d save my hands and nails.  I find that when I do have my hands in and out of dishwater, even if it’s for only five minutes, the skin on my hand becomes dry and rough.  So for me a dishwasher sounds like a winning gadget.  If only I had the space, which is one of the reasons I want to move house.

It will then be the decision of which dishwasher to choose?  My parents have a lovely integrated dishwasher with a door to match the units of the kitchen so you wouldn’t know it was there.  I can only hope that I am lucky enough to own a kitchen one day that fits a dishwasher and one that blends in the with the units would be even better.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt seems that we have the ideal water here in the Southwest for a dishwasher, being soft the dishwasher performs better leaving no limescale residues and less extra additives such as salt and rinse aid are required.  Well I guess that’s one bonus for having soft water – having grown up with hard water, I used to drink it all day long.  Now unfortunately I have resorted to buying bottled water for drinking purposes as soft water just isn’t pleasant on the palate! (not to mention the expense of it here – don’t get me started on that one!)

I’ll keep househunting and hopefully the right house will come along this year and we can move to more spacious living arrangements with a large family kitchen.  Mmmm, and just think of all that extra baking I could do with more space in the kitchen and a dishwasher to clean up after me!


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