Recent research by MORE TH>N Insurance revealed that 35% of Brits have spilt or knocked food, drinks and other substances onto their carpets while getting over-excited watching sport on TV.
This led to award winning artist Ed Chapman to create some carpet art to celebrate Andy Murray’s Wimbledon victory, using common stains/spills on carpets. e.g. red wine, beer, coffee.
So MORE TH>N insurance came up with a challenge, to create some artwork on a piece of carpet using common household stains.
I’m no artist but I have two young children and I asked them for inspiration as to what to create. I explained that we could use ketchup that was red and real mud along with make up, wine, soot etc.
They suggested Peppa Pig because her dress is red and she loves jumping in muddy puddles! What a great idea, so I took their advice and set to work.
I didn’t realise it’d be so hard to draw/paint the design onto the carpet. The only stain that went on easily was the coffee which happily mad a big muddy puddle for Peppa Pig to stand on.

With some blue and green from a children’s paint pallet we put some sky and grass on the background, then we finished the design with mud – straight from the garden, to give the true effect of jumping in muddy puddles!
My kids loved it!! Who’d have thought that all those things that usually stain the carpet could be made into a design the children love and want to keep – unfortunately we can’t as it smells a bit and I suspect will go a bit mouldy over the next few days.
We were sent a square of carpet and £10 for materials to create this.
That’s a great idea! Instantly recognisable, nice one 🙂
That looks fab!
brilliant piece of carpet art
How creative!
What a great idea, jumping in coffee puddles! and a very good Peppa!
your peppa pig looks great!!
anna recently posted…Carpet Art with MORE TH>N
I love this one – very clever 🙂
that look fab!!
what an interesting creation, we don’t watch sport so I guess our carpets are safe hehe