Crazy Jack Organic Soft Apricots – Review

One thing my children look forward to each day is snack time, so I’m always on the lookout for healthy options that they can enjoy but something a bit different.  I was delighted to try some Organic Soft Apricots from Crazy Jack.

Crazy Jacks Organici Soft ApricotsWhen I opened the packet, my two children peered in excitedly but they looked a little disappointed as they were expecting to see orange apricots.  These apricots from Crazy Jack are naturally dark, more brown in colour than you would normally get from dried apricots.  I encouraged them to try one and two year old Mister B got stuck in and his first words were “Mmmm, yummy in my tummy”.  Miss M not wanting to be left out had a taste and agreed, she really enjoyed the flavour.  Between them they devoured over half the pack before I took it away to try some for myself.

Crazy jacks apricotsI found them to be very tasty, almost a toffee like flavour to them that made them moreish and the perfect healthy snack that both children and adults can enjoy.  With a soft texture they are easy to bite through and don’t get stuck in your teeth.  Not only are these organic, but are naturally high in fibre and a good source of iron too so plenty of plus points.  I love it that the children can enjoy fruit in a different form, it keeps things interesting but also these apricots are handy to keep in the cupboard and use for snacks both at home and away.

We highly recommend these apricots, after all my children wouldn’t devour over half a pack in one sitting if they didn’t taste good!!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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2 thoughts on “Crazy Jack Organic Soft Apricots – Review

  1. They sound good – my two would enjoy these. It’s not easy finding a healthy snack for children sometimes is it!

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