Air Hogs Remote Control Batmobile

Air Hogs Remote Control Batmobile from Spin Master is an impressive little vehicle, it looks stunning with lots of sleek detail and a bat shaped remote control, but importantly it moves with ease over various indoor terrain and is simple to manipulate.  Aimed at ages 8+, my 8yr old couldn’t wait to try it out and soon had it zipping all about the house.

The car is fairly small but packed full of detail making it look really sleek and a quality car. Based on Batman V Superman, this car was is made to look like it and has a brushed metal look finish although it’s actually just hard durable plastic, made to withstand knocks and bumps as it zooms around the floor.  We love the styling on it and give it top marks for looks.

batmobileThe remote control is great too, a simple but smooth lined bat shape with easy to touch controls.  Both the car and remote have an on/off switch and both require 3 AA batteries to work.  They both have a small red light so you know when they are on and ready to use.wp_20161016_11_46_35_pro

So then it was time to try it out.  We were really impressed with the performance of the Air Hogs Batmobile with it’s quick sharp turns and excellent manoeuverability.  It was simple to control and moved fast.  With a bit of practise you can soon get used to knowing when to stop it and how quick you can take a turn.  Everyone has loved this and it has had plenty of use on just the first set of batteries which are still going.  This is an excellent remote control vehicle that I’d really recommend, it doesn’t get stuck on edges of carpets and rugs and whizzes around faster than you can follow it.  With it’s edgy design too, it’s perfect and has just the sort of performance I’d be looking for if I was to purchase a remote controlled vehicle.

Here you can see a short clip of my 8yr old whizzing it around the house:

We love the Batmobile but there are also lots of other remote controlled vehicles in the Air Hogs range so make sure you check them out!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.










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2 thoughts on “Air Hogs Remote Control Batmobile

  1. I honestly wouldn’t mind buying one of these for myself! That design is so accurate to the movie version and looks like a lot of fun to “drive.” Thanks for the review!

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