Barbie is most girls dream doll and the idea of styling her hair and make up is the ultimate fun activity! This Barbie Deluxe Styling Head is the ultimate toy for young girls to practice hair and make up styles, everything from curls to plaits, nails to eye make up.
This deluxe version exceeded my expectations in size, the styling head is bigger than I thought, therefore making it easier to use. Barbie’s arms fold out, which is a great added feature and allows you to decorate Barbie’s nails with the various stickers and fake nails included. Barbie wear’s a very sparkly pink dress and the whole styling head looks well made and sturdy.
The set contains numerous accessories such as a hair brush, clips, hair ties, clip in extensions, curling tong, scissors, nail stickers, fake nails, earrings etc.
My daughter is keen to learn how to plait hair and this was her ideal opportunity. She now wants me to teach her how to do fish plaits. She’s also had fun sticking nails on Barbie along with the nail stickers. There is quite a lot to keep a child occupied and if they are into hairstyling and beauty, then this is just the thing for them. The hair does need brushing a few times when first opened as it has a kind of spray in it to keep it all in place, but once that’s brushed out the hair is soft and manageable.
If you fancy having a go yourself (I did find it tempting to do a few fancy designs to show my daughter), or winning one of these deluxe models for your child to play with, then check out my giveaway below:
French plaits
I’d love to create curls with my straighteners!
Some nice wavy curls
My eldest loves playing with hair and my youngest likes painting nails so this os a win win toy xo
I think she’d look great with some beach waves x
Christine taylor recently posted…The #Teletubbies are Coming .. Watch This Space!
french plats would be nice xx
I need to practice French plaits and all that goes with it as now my daughter is at school she keeps asking for her friends hairstyles and I have no clue how to do!
French plaits – for me to learn how to do in my daughter’s hair!
French plait
Lots of plaits then undo to create crimped hair! Very 80s! Just like me!
i love plaiting everything
French plaits
Some bunches
French plait!!
braid it all up if my little girl would let me anywhere near it haha
some nice soft curls
I would like to try and do a ‘fish tail’ style.
would be giving this to nieces littleones, so whatever they would like to do!
I would try an updo
Messy fishtail plait
fishtail or french plaits
I would actually google wedding hair and do her hair all fancy up lol 🙂
Something involving plaits!
A bun with plaits
I’d love to practice curls so i can do my own x
As a grandmother and a mother of cause, I could and still not can do plaits. So would be nice to try and master that simple art.
Plaits either side, leading back to one plait at the back
Probably a plait of some kind practicing for dance daughter would love to get the crimpers on it though
I’d love to do bunches, french plaits and some braiding!
Angela McDonald recently posted…Not Another ‘New Year New Me’ post!
Curls would be good, my daughter would love this to practice on
i always see these sped up videos of hair styles on facebook. i’d love a go with a french plait
Plaits think she would look quite cute
Fishbone plaite xx
A french plait. I would actually give it to my best friends girl – but hopefully she would let me have a play!
i would practice french plaits as i am really rubbish at them and my girlies wont sit still long enough for me to practice them!!!!
i would practice french plaits as i am really rubbish at them and my girlies wont sit still long enough for me to practice them!!!!
i would try a fishtail, i’m very bad at hair styling though
I would love to win this for my daughter she is 3 and i would very much enjoy practising a french plait 🙂
Short back and sides lol (only joking!) x
Tight curls x
French plaits
Fishtail plaits!
i need to practise french plaits
A French plait and a bun.
oooh probably a messy side plait
French braids
Crimping punk rock style
Curls and waves
I would go back to my youth and do double buns, lots of plaits and spin wheels
A french plait xx
I’d practise French plaits
French plaits and messy buns.
French plaits, they always look messy when I try them
I would use it when my daughter is asleep to learn to do plaits 🙂
french plaits
fishtail plaits
Fishtail plait! I need practise!
Practise doing plates
One of those braids that starts from the bottom to the top! Something that I cant ever practice on my daughter as she wont sit still for more than 2 seconds. lol
Fishtail plait
I’d love to practise French plaits. I’ve never been able to master them!
A French plait
French plaits
has to be french plaits!
I’d love to practice fishtail plaits
My daughter and I would try to do a beehive style like they had in the 50s 🙂
Some bun styles.
I wouldd defo do a french plate love them
would love to give her bunches and braids xx
I would love doing plaits.
I would practise my fishtail plaits x
I would practise my braiding my daughter wont let me practise on her hair
Seems though im from liverpool i would have to get the curlers out & do a curlyblow 🙂 my little girl would love this thank you for the chance to win
curly bun with braiding
Spiral curls with hair up and curls hanging over the bun.
I’m rubbish at hair, the best I can manage is a french plait! x
Im not great with hair styling having two boys lol but maybe a plait? X
i really like the fish tail plaits xx
I need to learn more than a plait or Pont tail either the help of you tube and this model for my daughters sake!
the new bow plates x
I would love to be able to practice my french plaits which my two daughters constantly ask for and I am rubbish at 🙂
plaits, especially french xx
Plaited side fringe with loose beach style curls
I would practise my braids with some height at the crown 🙂
Wavy curls
i’d love to try braids
a lovely short bob
Love to give her lot of curls
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French Plait – I was quite good at them once upon a time but have become a little rusty.
I would like to practice french plaits because I am not very good.
I know my little cousin would adore this, as she’s obsessed with hair-dressing! I would love to try and create a milkmaid braid on the Barbie with the help of my little cousin!
I would love to practice some curls
I would practise some funky plaits to then do on my daughters hair!!!!
Would like to see fishtail plaits
I like plaits like fishtail and french x
fishtail plait
two french plaits on either side
All the fancy styles on Facebook & You Tube
pony tails and french plait
I’d have a go at a side bun
I would love to attempt a fish braid
I would love to perfect the fishtail plait and lovely messy bun styles… I mean my grandaughter would…hehehe..
an afro!
French plaits 🙂 I never have been able to master them!
fishtail plait
I would do all sorts of styles in Barbie’s hair. Fancy ones like you see on YouTube 🙂 x
Fishtail plait
Plaits x
My daughter said plaits and curls….lots of curls!! 🙂
I’d love to practice the mockingjay hair that Katniss Everdeen has in the hunger game movies
Ziggy stardust seventies red spiky cut… honour of my hero who sadly died today
A French plait bun
Lovely long plats
Some curls!
Some nice Plats 😀
French plaits
My niece would ask for plaits!
My 6 Year Old, Hallie-Anne would chose a ‘Pony’ as she is OBSESSED with them – I would also use this (when she was in bed obviously 😀 ) and learn how to braid!
my daughter would love to give her curls x
Fishtail Plaits
Some cute curls or a french plait <3
my daughter has recently been trying to learn plaits, so she would choose these, I on the other hand would pick a French plait, never been able to do these.
a french pleat
Lots of up dos in a bun and lovely curls
A fish tail plait
French plaits
A bun on both sides of the head.
Mermaid curls
Fishtail plaits! I can’t do them! I’d love to practice
Some plaits especially french and plenty of curls for practise
Would love to put pretty curls in her hair
a fab french plait 🙂
Would love to practice braiding as I am hopeless
I’d like to practice some braids so that I can better do my daughter’s hair.
My friend has two five year old twins so when I visit I have to have my hair pulled about for hours this might stop them if I can win it. Please help me before my hair falls out
My friend has two five year old twins so when I visit I have to have my hair pulled about for hours this might stop them if I can win it. Please help me before my hair falls out
My friend has two five year old twins so when I visit I have to have my hair pulled about for hours this might stop them if I can win it. Please help me before my hair falls out
I would do a fishtail plait 🙂
A French chignon
Lots and lots of curls
A pretty French plait
French plaits. Can’t wait until my daughter’s hair is long enough to do these on her
French plait, Bun
Some victorian style updo’s
We would practice plaits
My daughter would def practice plaits
fish tail then i can do it on my daughter
My niece likes to do French plaits. She would love this giveaway:)
I’d love to do tight curls and also beach waves x
French plaits, dutch braids, buns and waterfall braids.
id practice fish tail! my daughter wont sit still enough!!
Fish tail plaits – my daughter is desperate for me to be able to do them!
French plaits
Fishtail plait
waterfall braiding
fishtail plait
a waterfall braid x
Tight curls
my daughter would love to do lots of plaits 🙂
A French plait
i would love to learn how to do fishtail plaits
Id practice French plaits – my daughter is always asking me to do them but I am rubbish!!
french plaits
Hidden Ponytail & Plaits – I need the practice!
I would practise mt plaits
Curls,waves,a french plait ,a french knot and i would love to do a beehive!
An Elsa braid that the little one would adore!
A fishtail braid 🙂
I wouldn’t know where to start but I know a little girl who would love to give this Barbie some plaits!
fish tail plaits
Would love to practice plaiting as my niece says I’m rubbish!!
A fishtail plait
My twins love styling heads especially my son. He would love to put lots and lots of plaits in her hair
Fishtail Braids! 🙂
french plaits and fish tail plaits
my great grandaughter would love this
I would try and do one of those fancy bows people can do with long hair.
Would love to do a 1960’s Beehive hair style, think she would look fab
I’d love to practice a french plait. My daughter just loves brushing hair and putting clips in.
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I would practice French Plaits as I’m not very good at them!
I would love to do lots of Braids, my Granddaughter had her’s done on holiday in Egypt and loved them, so we could do it together x
Beehive style would be cool
I would practice braids of all types so I can style my daughters hair nicely for nursery as I have never been any good at hair/make up
plaits and curls
sleek and straight
plaits that i can get to stay in!
our daughter loves curls so i guess we could practice
Oh I think we would do lots of lovely loose curls!
french plats would be cool
Some fishtail plaits! I need to practice them!
My dsughter would do ponytails and pigtails
I would practice making curls with my straighteners because I am useless at doing them on my own hair
Dutch braids as I need the practice!
French plaits
A waterfall plait
I would love to use Barbie to teach my daughter how to braid!
pigtails 🙂
Lots of curls
A french plait
Victory rolls
I would like to learn how to style a French plait for my granddaughters hair
French plaits…
I would love to do a curly style and then some pigtails for a change!
Curls or french plait I think! x
Short back and sides Okay maybe not lol. If I could get it out of my nieces hands I wouldn’t mind a bash at doing a fishtail x
id see if I could remember how to do a fishtail x
Fishtail plaits!
I think that we’d definitely try out some different braids between us xx
A french braid <3
A topsy tail. I did them in both daughter’s hair because I was useless at doing plaits
French plaits
I’d try French plaits or there was another plait I wanted to try but can’t recall what it’s called
French plaits
I’ve always loved a French Plait
I’m a little more permanent in my choice lol I’d like to give her a cool undercut 😛
a beehive
I’ve never been able to do french plaits on my daughter propertly, and she’s too impatient to sit still.. so I’d be able to practice on Barbie first!
I have always wanted to learn how to do a french plait, so would probably try and learn that! (@PeanutHog)
Fishtail plait
Not me but my daughter would do a side plait with clips.
My niece would do every hairstyle you can imagine. Tremendous prize
I’d love to do all those amazing styles I watch on youtube but can’t do on myself! Twisted French plaits look lovely 🙂
French plaits
I would have a go at plaits
buns like the young princess layer
I love to plait hair
I’d practice French Plaits 🙂
A twisted french plait
I’d practice braiding, my skills aren’t too hot on real people 😀
Fishtail plait
Teach my neices the art of braiding some aunty/neice magical time spent together!!!
fishtail or french plaits – at least Barbie wouldn’t fidget, need the loo etc!
French plaits as I’ve never been able to master them!
A side low bun
I would do fish tail hopefully
French plait
would love to learn to do French plaits so would do that my daughter will not stay still long enough for me to try
Spiral curls,plaits all the awkward ones .
Fishtail and French plait. Would be good to do them on a head that doesn’t wriggle about all the time. 🙂
French plaits
I’d like to do a beehive 🙂
Reversed scalp plaits to match my little girls hair
A french plait is cute
I love old fashioned plaits wrapped around the forehead or tucked just above the back of the collar but I’m sure the children would have an opinion, too!
i would love to try and master the elsa fishtail plait. my 3 year old keeps asking for it but wiont sit still long enough for me to practice lol x
fishtail braids
topknot with tendrils
I would let my grand-daughter practice on it,she loves being a hairdresser but on one occasion we actually had to cut my hair to get the brush out !.She’s only six so has time to improve,bless her x
I love pretty plaints with pink bows
Natasha Mairs recently posted…Playmobil Easter Bunny School Set
A french plait
Curls xx
coloured chalk highlights
I’d teach my daughter to do French braids
I would crimp Barbie’s hair 80’s style.
A mermaid/fishtail plait.
I need to practice French plat but my granddaughter would like to curl and paint nails.
I’d love to practice my plaiting skills
I really want to learn the fish tail plait my daughter has long hair I can do the French plait but just can’t master the fishtail
ive always wanted to be able to do french plait
a fishtail
I’d have a go at French plaits
Buns, twists, plaits and curls
braids and bows and made up styles x
caroline bartholomew recently posted…My Smear Test Results
pigtails x
Being a stylist myself there’s loads I would love to do to barbies hair, but I would actually give it to my gorgeous Goddaughter so she can have a go at chopping and follow in her auntie Gems footsteps xx
long and straight no knotts, silky smooth and shiny
My little girl is really into doing braids at the minute so I think that’s what we would go for.
I would love to master a nice looking ponytail. Which I realise sounds terrible for a 27-year-old mother of two, but they always look so limp and ‘meh’
Some time I will have the skills to get that perfect do!
French plait as I need to practice!
I’d do a fishtail plait
fish tail and french plaits , maybe a few wedding up do,s and dye a pink strip in her hair with semi permanent kids spray dye!
lovely loose curls
My daughter loves doing my hair, so I think she would try some bunches 🙂
Fish tail braids. Would be perfect practice as my daughter won’t stand still long enough lol
I would learn how to do French plaits
Pretty plaits
I would try to practise on Barbie creating a bun,I may be able to do It on my own hair then
I’d love to do fish plaits. 🙂 but I’m sure my son would be happiest that his sister would no longer be doing hairdressers in his hair!!
French plaits
some lovely French plaits
I would love to learn how to fish tail plait – This would be a lot easier than practising on my children x
Curls and plaits
My little girl would prob want me to put it in a bun like she insists on having her hair every day x
Lots and lots of ringlet curls!
French or Dutch plaits as I could do with more practise.
A lovely neat bun
We’d do the crown plait or fishtail
I would do large curls
Fishtail plait.
Would love to practise all types of plaits such as fishtail and french so that I can actually do the same with my granddaughter’s hair. A ponytail is so passe.
I’d love to be able to do those two cute little buns which look like a cross between princess Leah and animal ears!
Love making plaits and curls
Love to put hair up with nice curls at the sides
Lots of lovely soft curls around her face.
French Plaits <3 xx
I’d love to practice French Plaits!
Bunches either side – to make her look girly and cowboys
Id curl it’s and plait it… My niece with want to braid it
Fish Tail Plaits x
French Plaits x
Fishtail plait
a beehive
beehive plaits curls everything x
I’d love for my daughter to learn to plan her own hair :0
practise french plaits
Curley hair
Erica Price recently posted…Week 5 of 2016
I would do a french plait with sparkly purple hair piece plaited in
I would do a French Plait or a very Messy Bun But I think my Sophie Would Do a better Job than Me 🙂
I’d practice plaits!
Cute girly plaits
French plait
I would do some braids
A fish tail braid
my daughter would practice her french plaits
Would be either french plaits or curls
I love love to try a French plait on it ☘☘☘
I would give it to my daughter to do the styles she wishes
I’d practice different plaits on the Barbie head so I could use my new found knowledge on my own daughter. I’m an expert when it comes to a normal ponytail. Anything fancier than that I’d love to learn so that my daughter’s gorgeous long hair could look even more beautiful!
curling hair with straighteners
chopstick perm Winter Bob
A messy up-do
French plait
French braid, twirled into a bun
French braid, twirled into a bun and fastened with some sparkley Kirkby grips
We love doing frozen plaits 🙂 my daughter is obsessed.
i would love to be able to practice how to do french plaits and braiding
I’d love to test my abilities when it comes to French plats, I used to be able to do them with 5 or even 6 chunks of hair but it’s been a long time
Braids and some lovely wavy hair
wavy curls