WIN Peter Rabbit Great Rabbit and Squirrel Adventure DVD

For little fans of Peter Rabbit, the new DVD released by Abbey Home Media on Monday 24th October, The Great Rabbit and Squirrel Adventure is packed full of fun episodes around friendship and adventure.  My children love watching Peter Rabbit, he never fails to entertain, so get your entries in below to win a copy of the DVD, the perfect stocking filler this Christmas.


Join our hero, Peter Rabbit, in this fifth installment of his animated adventures. Peter tells a curious Cotton-tail how he and Squirrel Nutkin became friends and how Nutkin’s lost his tail. Soon Peter is on an adventure to retrieve Nutkin’s tail, even though it means going to Owl Island! This charming DVD collection features over seventy minutes full of fun, mischief and adventure, in 6 action packed adventures. Let’s hop to it!

With a taste for radishes and a thirst for adventure Peter Rabbit is the lovable and extraordinary friend you longed to hang out with when you were a kid. But when the chips are down and danger lurks, there’s no better friend to have around than Peter and his boundless courage will always see him through.

Peter Rabbit – The Tale of the Great Rabbit and Squirrel Adventure features the following episodes: – The Tale of The Rabbit and Squirrel Great Adventure; The Tale of Old Brown’s Feather; The Tale of The Wiggly Worms; The Tale of Two Enemies; The Tale of Fierce Bad Rabbit; The Tale of Mr Tod’s Trap

For your chance to win a copy of the new DVD, just enter the Gleam form below:

Peter Rabbit Great Adventure

UK Entries only


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102 thoughts on “WIN Peter Rabbit Great Rabbit and Squirrel Adventure DVD

  1. I used to stay at my aunties house and she had the whole collection and would let us read them at bedtime so they always remind me of her

  2. Unfortunately i don’t have any memories of peter rabbit which is why id love to create lots for my neices and nephews

  3. I had the complete set of books and read them repeatedly…I was and still am such a book worm, and am proud to say my son is now the same.

  4. I used to love reading the books and, before that, having them read to me. My nan used to sit in the hallway between the bedroom of me & my brother and read to both of us until we were both asleep. Such good memories

  5. I remember reading the books with my mum before bed, they were the first books I read out loud to her and I was so proud haha

  6. My mum used to always act out the characters from the story books she read for me and Peter Rabbit was my all time fave!!

  7. Wasn’t something I was really aware of as a child. I knew there were some books, but that was as far as it went.

  8. getting my pocket money and putting it in my peter rabbit moneybox which had a story on it ive still got this today lol

  9. I remember my grandparents buying me and my brother the collection of stories, when ever we visited we would always sit next to grandad an listen to them,

  10. My grandma would always read the Beatrix Potter books to me. I still have an ornament of Jemima Puddleduck that she won me from the bingo almost 21 years ago!

  11. I remember we had a brown tailed rabbit at my nursery school called Peter…as I have the photo to prove it – although I must be honest, I can’t really remember reading about him when I was little, although given the bunny I’m sure we did? 😉

  12. I remember having the books and having a cute Peter Rabbit toy that I’ve given to my nieces and they love !

  13. I have lots of memories of my mum reading me the Beatrix Potter books at bedtime when I was little – my favourite were Jemima Puddleduck and Squirrel Nutkin!

  14. I have no memories of Peter Rabbit, its only since the grandchildren came along that I’ve learnt anything about him

  15. I remember my grandad buying me a Peter Rabbit easter egg which came with an egg cup – I still have it somewhere

  16. Had a set of Peter Rabbit books and i was always reading them to my little sister, and she never used to listen to me haha

  17. I remember going to the Lake District and seeing a lot of Peter Rabbit gifts in the shops. My sister recently went to the Beatrix Potter Museum and she said it was lovely x

  18. I still have a book that my Grandma gave me, that I have passed on to my nephew. He loves Peter Rabbit.

  19. I remember my nan and granddad buying me the books when I was younger and loved reading them at favourite was squirrel nutkin

  20. I remember having all the Peter rabbit books when I was a little girl and my dads nickname for me has always been Jemima as I’ve always loved Jemima puddle duck.

  21. I remember it very well from my child hood. I loved the books and loved watching it on the tv too. I enjoy sharing it with my 2 year old son now

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