Day to Day

A string of domestic disasters!!

We have had a series of domestic disasters throughout November and December from dropping my mobile phone down the toilet resulting in having to purchase a new one, the vacuum cleaner dying – although I am quite liking the new posh cyclone action one, then the oven dying.  I held off purchasing a new oven thinking I’d look around for a good offer, then my husband decided to fall of his bicycle – resulting in a broken elbow.  I quite enjoyed the life of ready cooked microwave meals for a while (particularly the M&S Butternut squash risotto) and saved on a lot of time spent in the kitchen.  But then I thought I really must get a new oven before Christmas!!

After buying and installing a new oven just a week before Xmas, the very next day I went to use the microwave and you guessed it, it died!!!  So I nipped out to Comet and picked one up in the sales.  And all the while we noticed that our toilet was taking longer to clear of water than usual.

Could any more go wrong I asked myself?  A couple of days later we realised that the toilet really was blocked and had to call someone out on a Sunday of all days to unblock the drains in the garden – another £120 out of pocket!!

Just a couple of days before Christmas, I ventured up into the loft to bring down the presents to wrap – but arghhh!! – to my horror I discovered we have some new residents in our loft who have eaten an entire box of Lindt chocolate golf balls (sorry brother) and to my husbands total and utter dismay – 3 packs of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups that were due to appear in his stocking from Santa – yep you guessed it – MICE have invaded our loft space!!!!!!!!!!

Well you can imagine my shock, disgust and despair as I carefully delved my way through chewed up bits of carrier bags to pick out other presents that had been in the same bags as the chocolate.

So finally Christmas arrived and although hectic it was fun, Miss M enjoyed lots of time outdoors at the park on her new bike – although on a big ride out with daddy she got a puncture!!

With the New Year here, I mistakenly thought we’d be off to a fresh start and nothing more could go wrong but on 2nd January the washing machine dials decided to turn non stop and the water continuously filled and after some deliberation over whether it was worth repairing, I ended up ordering a new washing machine online!!

This week my darling cat Twinkle was due her annual booster injections.  Husband took her whilst I was at work but unfortunately I got the dreaded text to say that the vet had noticed she had a particularly fast heart rate and needed to do some blood tests.  That evening we got the results that she has a thyroid problem and needed medication.  We have a further appointment in 3 weeks to see how things are but I am fully aware that she is getting old and hope she gets over this and gives us a few more years worth of cuddles. xx


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