A lucky Black Cat for Halloween?

One thing all children love to do is dress up – so when I was offered to pick a Halloween costume from the selection at Joker’s Masquerade, I knew 4 year old Miss M would be thrilled.  They have an extensive choice of Halloween outfits to choose from including Skeletons, Vampires, Zombies, Witches and Ghosts.  So what did Miss M choose? – A Halloween black cat.

And she loved it!!!  Miss M has worn this outfit for the last 3 days since we received the parcel, around the house, to the supermarket and riding up and down the street on her scooter which proves one thing – it must be very comfortable!  This is a very important aspect to me as there is nothing worse than an uncomfortable, itchy outfit that your child doesn’t enjoy wearing.

The Halloween Cool Cat outfit that we chose consists of a black shimmery all in one catsuit with a zip up the back, a velcro tail and a headband with ears.  The costume was very soft and smooth to the touch and easy to put on.  This outfit is suitable for 4-6 year olds and with Miss M just over 4 and half I would say this is the perfect fit.

This is a great little dress up outfit which can be used either to be just a cat or a Halloween black cat which we definitely will be this October.  So if you are looking out for a fancy dress outfit this year either for yourself or your little ones be sure to check out the vast range at Joker’s Masquerade.  You’ll be spoilt for choice – I certainly was!!

For more views and Miss M’s thoughts please watch our short video:

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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