
The Sooty Show DVD – Review

With the release of the new “The Sooty Show” DVD this week, it brought back many childhood memories of sitting watching endless episodes of Sooty with my brother.  I didn’t realise until now that The Sooty Show is the longest running children’s programme on tv celebrating 60 years this year!!  Abbey Kids Media kindly sent us a copy of the new DVD to review so I was intrigued to see what my children thought of it and if it stood the test of time along with all the modern style programmes that children love today!

This DVD comes with a free magic wand to help children engage and join in with the spells throughout the shows.  This proved a hit with Miss M who loved to hold it whilst watching and waving it around in the air when repeating “Izzy Wizzy Let’s get busy…” .

There are 5 fun packed episodes including:

The Swimming Lesson
The Runaway Bath
Chocco Chimp – guest starring Matthew Corbett
The Marching Band
The Wedding – guest starring Stacey Solomon

Miss M really enjoyed watching The Sooty Show and getting to know the characters.  I actually caught her laughing out loud at bits of it so she was obviously entertained by the various episodes and it was lovely to see her sense of humour coming out.  She has also watched the DVD over and over again which to me proves that she really is enjoying it and that it appeals to her age.  If she doesn’t want to watch something she won’t but this has won her over.  It’s really great to see your child enjoying something that brought you lots of fun and entertainment in your own childhood.

We recommend The Sooty Show DVD and it was available in most good DVD retailers from last week so why not check out a copy – relive some childhood fun with your little ones!!

For more in check out The Sooty Show website.

To hear 4 year old Miss M’s views on The Sooty Show DVD, please watch our short video:

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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