Woolly and Tig Books – Review

Woolly and Tig has been a surprise hit with my two children since it started on television – they are absolutely glued to the programme and love Tig with her pet spider Woolly in their day to day adventures.

Woolly and Tig Night NightNight Night, Woolly is a delightful paperback book from Random House for young children.  The book is beautifully  made with each page being thick and sturdy.  With it’s rounded corners it looks smart and inviting, full of bold bright colours that little ones will love.  On the corner of each page is a little image of Woolly with the words “Lift me up…”, a simple but fun guide to turn the page which my two found fun.

The storyline is all about Tig overcoming her fear of the dark with Woolly by her side to help.  At first her parents give her a little lamp to glow through the night but then she sees shadows on the wall which turn out to be her sheep mobile.  Woolly shows her how to have fun making shadow puppet shows on the ceiling which becomes a fun thing to do and Tig forgets about her fear of the dark.

I love how all the Woolly and Tig stories follow an experience that many little ones face in life and then show them a way to overcome it.  Woolly the friendly spider is a big hit with my children.  They trust him and listen to his guidance with open ears and keep asking for a cuddly Woolly of their own.

Woolly and Tig Sticker bookThe Woolly and Tig Let’s Play Sticker Book is a glossy covered activity book, packed full of pages to colour, practice writing skills, counting and do observational puzzles.  There are also plenty of sticker pages in the centre which my two love, to be used across the pages of the book with some extra stickers to use how you want.

woolly and tig picsI think this activity book covers a good selection of things to do, all fun but incorporating hidden educational aspects.  This is ideal for preschoolers, giving them something to focus on and something to sit down and do with the aid of a parent.  My two both wanted to have a go, so Miss M took charge and did the harder activities but very kindly guided Mister B through the simpler ones encouraging him to have a go at tracing the letters.  She also helped him to place the stickers in the correct places.  Being big Woolly and Tig fans they loved it and in my opinion the sticker book is well thought out with a good variety of activities and of a nice quality.

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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5 thoughts on “Woolly and Tig Books – Review

  1. At the point when I shut my eyes and imagine the stars, I’m put in a daze, where me and the stars dance together.

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