Heroes of the City is a television cartoon about rescue vehicles in a small town where everybody gets to be a hero! There are lots of fun characters such as Pauli Police Car, Harry Hot Rod, Percy Post and not forgetting Fiona Fire Engine! Well this has been an instant hit with my two children, particularly three year old Mister B. With my name being Fiona, he just loves that I am a Fire Engine in the show!
The storylines follow the exciting adventures of the characters as they help the townspeople find thieves, put out fires, and solve one of the many mysteries that happen in the otherwise quiet town. You will also get to know Calamity Crow, the most misunderstood bird in town.
Aimed at ages 3-7, Heroes of the City is the perfect first app for three year old Mister B to be using, he loves watching the episodes and has really got to grips with the games. He does require a little assistance with some of them but loves playing Fiona Fire Engine to put out the fires and also has spent much time playing the puzzle games which he can sit and do himself. I love the way the app motivates and applauds the child after each stage of the game with cheers, stars and fireworks. Mister B is so proud of himself when he see’s this as he feels like he has done really well. With trophies in each game to be won, there is plenty of scope for him to play this and reach higher levels.
With episodes to watch, games to play and trophies to collect, Heroes of the City has plenty to do to keep little ones occupied. I highly recommend it as a preschool app, one of the best we’ve tried.
The app is available from the following app stores:
AppStore: https://itunes.apple.com/app/heroes-of-the-city-movie-app/id602592310
GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rutaett.HeroesMovie&hl=en
If you’d like to win an exclusive bundle of goodies like the one shown above then enter below. The book is full of bright pictures and easy to follow stories that little ones will love and the little vehicles are great, Mister B loves playing with them and more so carrying them around in his pocket when we go out and about!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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My husband, he’s the most patient man I know and a wonderful father
My surviving triplet son! He was a fighter 🙂
My Grandad was my Hero.
my mother
My Dad.
My mum 🙂
Santa is my hero, fingers crossed I will get some nice presses!
without a doubt my mom
My dad of course
My husband, hes been amazing throughout my illness and operations this year. Always smiling and doing whatever he can to make me happy.
My Nanna
my mum
My husband
my mum was
My OH (don’t tell him that though!)
My mum
my other half
My dad is my hero
my MUM
my dad
my friend Paul, who has survived cancer twice
My Mum, she was amazing!
my dad, best man I know 🙂
My mother
Mr Gary Barlow.
my daughter
my grandfather
My mum
My mum.
My nanna 🙂
My little boy! He’s just amazing and makes me proud every single day.
My mum.
My mum
My wife, she deals with two children every day while I work 🙂
My Grandad
my hero is my doggy x he is like my shadow and guards me just like a super hero lol
my bestie
I havent really got one
My husband always will be – hes helping my daughter with homework as we speak on his day off
My Dad
Helen Dickinson recently posted…Christmas Eve Box For A Toddler
my children
My husband 🙂
My grandfather was
My Fiance!
my Wife
It would have to be my husband for putting up with me 🙂
my mum is the best
my grandad was my hero
My mam it as to be
my nana
My husband, he saved me from a very dark place.
Kate Davies recently posted…Christmas gifts with IWOOT.
My husband – he looked after me when I was very unwell earlier this year and I don’t know what I’d do without him x
Spiderman 😀
My Mum, Honest hardworking and always there when I need her
My mum, who does everything for everyone else!!!
my partner Wayne
My wife – she is the rock of our family
my dog who woke the whole family up when a fire was starting in the kitchen
My Mam – she’s amazing
My mum
My mother
my mum
My dad!
My mum
David Attenborough I have grown up with him and he has taught me so much.And is still teaching and showing me new things
My dad, the only man I can ever rely on 🙂
my dad was my hero
my husband
my dad
The family rescue dogs
My mummy 🙂
My husband, he has helped me so much with my mental illness, been so understanding, how soppy is that lol xxx
My mum was my hero.
my mum i wish she was still here
My Husband for putting up with me for over 30 years!
My Aunt
i have two, my grandad who i look up to and my daughter who i adore xx
my dad is my hero
Its gotta be my wife, she is a star
my mum
My Dad
Gotta be my dad – he’s always there for me
My Mum who works very hard and has fostered for the past 30 years x
My dad!! xx
my dad
my mum
My mum and Dad
David Attenborough.
My mother.
My Dad
My mom she is a trooper and always strong and loving
My Dad even though my husband is my hero my dad has been my hero since I was a little girl
My mum, I hope I’ve done just as well as her that my kids say this too x
dad. for having the courage to carry on without mum.
my mum and dad
my son whose working in an orphanage in kenya
My TENOVUS Counsellor who has kept me going through the worst of times and is slowly letting go as I am growing stronger. She gave me hope.
my late mother
My dad
my dad simply because he alwayssaves the day 🙂
my little boy, just by living! hes defied the odds, hes picked me up when ive felt like giving up by just smiling and gave me strength by just giving me one of his hugs! i dont know where id be without him!
My nan
My mam
my mum
My lovely mum xx
My husband is my hero. He did not have a good role model with his father and he overcame a lot to be a brilliant father and a good role model to our son.
My Mum
my dad
My Mum
My Nan, she was always there for me
my husband, he’s always there for everyone and knows exactly what to do
my children
my dad x
My Dad was my hero.
my dad
my gran who is 92 and still going x x x x x
my hero is john cadbury
My mum
My daughter
my mum
my hero is my dad!
My Partner
my mum
my dad
my fella x
My boyfriend, soon to be my husband x
My Mum is my Hero she is 79 and still cycles to the local shops every day!!
my husband
my mum
my bf 🙂
My dad x
my gran
James Martin
Ayrton Senna…….quite simply an amazing human being in so many ways! a true inspiration.
my mum is my hero, she was always there for me and had some fab advice x
My dad who’s sadly passed on now
My Mum
Stephen Gerrard
My dad was my hero x
My hubby 🙂
My Dad despite the fact im almost 30 with 4 children of my own he will always be my hero
my dad
My parents.
ken dodd
my dad
my son jake is my hero i wouldnt be the person i am today without him no one understands true love untill they have their own child jake is my hero and always will be x
my mum bringing 2 boys up on her own and working 3 jobs to keep a roof over our heads
My grandad is my hero 🙂
My mum is my hero!
Got to be the wife.
My husband, he’s the best <3
vicky M recently posted…A new routine (MILLIE STARTS PRESCHOOL)
my mum when she was alive
My dad 🙂
Definitely my husband, he’s my superhero 🙂
My little girl is my hero and my inspiration. She has numerous medical conditions and diseases but she has always a huge smile on her face, is always happy and constantly never ceases to amaze us with her strength and determination
My husband, my rock
My husband <3
Gail Reid recently posted…Thank you
my partner
My children are my heros
My Mum
my mum
My father who sadly passed away 17 years ago yesterday .. A kind gentle man who was proud of his lovely grandchildren fought for his country and was a true Gentleman He deserves the title of hero in every way .. Theres not a day goes by when I dont wish he could have my met my youngest one he would have loved his Grandpapa Joe xxx
My dad, he had a stoke last year and he never gave up fighting and now he is back to his old self (just with a walking stick) LOVE MY DAD 🙂
my husband
my late father he always was my hero and i was his princess he still influences me still
My mum, she helps me with my family everyday as my husband and I both have long term illnesses, despite holding down a full time job and caring for my dad who is currently immobile from an operation
My nan she was so strong
my mum was my hero. she showed me how to be strong. how to be a great mother 🙂
my hero is my man i love him so much
My fiance :}
My Grandad, my nan died when she was 36 and left 7 school children behind, family and friends told grandad to let the children go into foster care but he refused and raised them all by himself (he was a adopted child himself).
My partner, he’s stuck with me through illness and everything- hes perfect x
All the mothers in the world that do a thankless job well.
My mum, she has helped me ever so much since the birth of my first little baby – couldn’t have imagined doing it without her!
i saw a survey about this the other day and it got me thinking. i dont really have one. i think people do great jobs and great things in what they dobut dont really have a hero!
My daughter
My mum is my hero 🙂
my hubby
My Daughter
My husband, he has always worked hard to look after me and our kids and he never complains about it.
My dad
My mum!
my husband 🙂 x
My husband
my dad I always looked up to him and still do if only in my memories
all volunteers for charity
My Husband 🙂
my brother who has served in afganistan twice
my daughter
My husband
My best friend is my hero, she is there for me and my kids through thick and thin, a true friend
Nelson Mandela
My dear Dad…
my husband.
My Mum!!!! She will always be in my heart!!
My son, for quashing the beliefs of all those that wrote him off when he was diagnosed as autistic
My mum
i could my hubby but i think most hubby are everyone heros
My other half x
My mum
My husband to be
My hubby, best friend, soul-mate and more. Love him to bits and have done for 45 years 🙂
Its got to be my dad
My grandad
my mum 🙂
My Daughter Isla, was born extremely premature and has been through more than I hope I will ever have to go through and has come out as a happy healthy 2 year old. Shes my hero!
My Grandson is my hero, he had to spend a night in hospital recently, even though he was frightened he didn’t show it 😀
My Hubby
My Dad
My partner
My grandfather, he was such a kind and considerate man and very dapper
My hubby
My Husband, he’s patient, lovely Kind
my mum !! <3
My dad is my hero
My partner,. he is amazing
my mum as she went through so much in her life.
My children they are my rainbow after my hurricane they are my miracles and keep me going x
My dad! 🙂
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My fiancé,. He is my world. 🙂
my dad
My mum 🙂
My daughter x
My Grandad, hes my best friend and my hero.
My Daddy is my hero! Such a strong kind caring man! X
my dad 🙂
My mum x
My Mum
My Mum & my Dad too cant chose between them xx
My 3 children as they keep going every day
My husband – he’s my best friend!
My husband… The only person I can really rely on
Velma from scooby doo
My mum
My dad was my Superhero, he could be all of them
My dad
my mum
My Grandad was my Hero
My sister 🙂
my mum
My kids
My partner
my sister she has battled and overcome so much
my mum is my hero
my mum
My dad, he always gives me good advice.