There’s nothing better than sleeping in your own bed at night, so when you are away from home it can be hard to feel comfortable and get a good nights sleep. In fact a surprisingly high number of people really do miss their bed whilst on holiday, according to a survey compiled by Silentnight.
“Six out of 10 Brits agree that they miss their bed more than their FAMILY, when away on holiday.”
With the holiday season arriving and a good nights sleep on our minds, Silentnight have launched a Dream Holiday competition where you can win the holiday of your dreams along with a multitude of runners up prizes including iPads, bikes, experience days and fitness equipment.
For a chance of winning one of these amazing prizes, all you need to do is purchase a Silentnight product, can be pillows, duvet etc that has the Dream holiday promotional sticker on.
Nick Booth from Silentnight comments: “With increasingly busy lives, it’s understandable that UK consumers are looking to get away just to unwind, relax and sleep! And good bedding is of course key to a good night’s rest.”
I totally agree with this statement and find a decent pillow to be really important at night otherwise I do struggle to sleep through the night. With that in mind I have a set of Silentnight pillows up for grabs for one of my readers to ensure they get a really good nights sleep at home!
All you need to do to win is fill out the Gleam widget below, and don’t forget to look out for the stickered packs in the shops to win the amazing prize of a Dream Holiday along with some amazing other prizes.
I have always wanted to go to Canada and I frequently dream about going.
Corfu is my dream holiday destination. To me it is perfect
would love to take my family to orlando 🙂
I would love to go to Bali!
My dream destination is Las Vegas
I would love to go to Hawaii!
Canada it’s a beautiful country and huge we have seen a tiny part of it but would love to see more
I would love to visit New Zealand.
My local seaside! I’m mostly housebound due to illnesses so I don’t get to go on holidays but used to love my nearest one it has lovely sandy beaches 🙂
For me, I really want to go to Hawaii. For the family I would love to take them to the Bahamas and New York.
would love to go to the maldives, it looks amazing
That would be Disney Land Florida x
Christine Taylor recently posted…#SilentSunday 10/07/2016
iceland in the summer
I really, really would like to go to Japan with my husband.
Mauritius to meet family never met before and an amazing place to go
I really want to visit the Seychelles
New York 🙂 i would love to go to the big apple 🙂 or Japan lol 🙂
the maldives would be great right now
My dream destination is New York, have wanted to visit since i was a girl.
Hawaii to relax on the beach, and meet the people. Though I also would like to visit Disneyworld Florida etc, as I do like theme parks etc.
I would love to go to Australia
Has to be Universal Studios!
FIJI again
Australia .
love Florida so much to do
I would love to visit Japan one day, with my husband x
Cape Town, South Africa to see Great White Sharks is no 1 on my bucket list 😀
I’d really like to go to Canada.
Thailand is my dream destination and we are going for my 50th in three years time 🙂
Pangkor Laut in Malaysia, but I don’t suppose I’ll ever be able to afford to go there.
Jane Willis recently posted…Christmas in July at Cardz 4 Guyz
i’d like to go to disney in america as a family, thats my goal 🙂
I’d love to go on a bird watching holiday to Sri
Would love to go to New Zealand
I would love to visit Morocco 😀
Egypt or maybe Barbados :o)
Bora bora
Florida, the sunshine state, so much more than just theme parks
I have always wanted to visit America, especially New York.
I have always wanted to travel around Norway.
My dream destination would be Norway to see the Northern Lights – though they are very elusive apparently!
Venice, there is just something romantic about it x
Vegas baby!
I would love to take my kids to Disney Land
anywhere in Scotland its all beautiful 🙂
Would love to go to New Hampshire x
I would love to go to Santorini
My dream holiday destinations is Austria 🙂
I would like to visit the Italian Lakes.
I have always wanted to visit Venice
My dream holiday destination is Antigua
i would love to visit Fiji
New Zealand
I would love to go to Australia.
I would love to go to Arizona, i enjoy the history America has
I would love to take a month and travel around Australia! xx
Australia is my dream holiday destination, and maybe New Zealand while I’m down there.
America I’d love to do a proper road trip and drive an open top cadillac
anywhere in the carribean
My dream destination is Fiji
I’d love to visit Florida with my family.
Florida would be lovely.
las vegas is a fab place to go
Ive always wanted to go to Italy
So many places I would love to go to, think Las Vegas would be my dream holiday though
I would love to take the kids to Florida, I would also like to go to New York.
The Greek islands
Benodet in southern Brittany. I have been lucky enough to live the dream for over 20 years 🙂
New Zealand
Southern France. Somewhere in the countryside of Provence.
My dream is to go to the Japanese Ice Festival at Sappuro – amazing!
Thailand is my dream destination!
My current dream holiday destination is Canada. We went to Japan last year and since then I have dreamt about going to Canada xx
I would love to go to Miami, it looks so pretty and peaceful to a degree
I would love to go to Morocco.
Kefalonia! Went twice with hubby before kids and would love to take them.
Driving across America would be fantastic!
Right now I’d love a cottage in the middle of nowhere, somewhere near the sea side. Bliss!
The Maldives , in one of those little cabins over the water. Bliss!
I’d love to travel around Central/South America
It’ll always be Florida for me. I miss it so much!
I’d love to visit Dubai and see all the amazing buildings
I would love to go to the Maldives xx
Anywhere on a Disney Cruise!
I’d love to go to Alaska!
bahamas thankyou
i would love to go to Florida with my daughter x
The Cayman Islands
The Maldives is my dream holiday destination -pure paradise
For me it has to be Hawaii! 🙂
I’d love to visit Borneo to look at the chimpanzees
CAT CULMER recently posted…Things to do at the beach with children
Always wanted to go to Florida
I’d love to visit Costa Rica
I adore Cornwall! The beaches are beautiful and life always seems a little slower and a little more relaxed! x
My dream holiday destination would be to go to Italy to see Italian relatives I haven’t seen for over 20 years x
I would love to go to Wales,I’ve never been
I’d love to go to Mauritius 🙂
Bulgaria to visit my partner’s parents.
I would say Malta as I lived there when I was very young. I’ve been back twice since and it’s a beautiful place x
New Zealand
St. Lucia – beautiful place!
Thailand, they love kids there!
I would love to go to Dubai 🙂
New York, love broadway!
Somewhere hot and exotic – The Gold Coast, Barbados sounds amazing!
I would love to go to Mexico. Saving hard so maybe we might be able to visit next year.
Moab, Utah – its got the most amazing off road riding
I love usa 🙂
las vegas
When I was a little girl my Mum’s cousin moved to Bermuda. I’d never heard of Bermuda so looked it up and read that the beaches there had pink sand. I fell in love with the idea and have always wanted to visit to see if they really are as pink as in my imagination!
Would love to go to Australia
Mt deam is to travel to Fiji
id love to go to mexico …
Positano, in Southern Italy 🙂
Malta. It tick all of the boxes.
My dream holiday destination is Tuscany – I’ve been wanting to go there for so long!
Florence, italy.
Touring North America
I would love to do a road trip across the USA – preferably by rail !!
Jamaica would be amazing
i would love to go to japan ! fab giveaway thankyou
Sydney, Australia
My dream holiday destination is Mauritius. I spent a few weeks there in my early 20s (20 years ago) and loved it. I would love to go back taking my hubby and children with me.
I would love to visit Hawaii – one day hopefully!
I’ve got family in New Zealand who I am desperate to see so for me it would be there 🙂
I’ll probably never get there in this lifetime, but I’d love to visit the Maldives, looks like paradise! 🙂
My dream destination is the Ecuadorian part of the Amazon Rainforest followed by a boat trip over to the Galapagos Islands <3
I have always wanted to go to Tobago after working with a lady from there, who said it is a beautiful country.
new zealand ist somewhere i’ve always wanted to go.
I have always wanted to go to Hawaii
Hong kong
I have always dreamt of going to Australia I have wanted to go since I was a kid, hopefully go there for my honeymoon
Has to be Orlando, Florida for me. Amazing place!
A month long tour of Australia and Hawaii
I would love to travel around the far East, Thailand, Vietnam etc
My dream would be a safari in Kenya
I would love to visit New York
Rome or Japan
Australia, always wanted to go there x
Florida, Orlando!
The Maldives… on our own without the kids preferably! (sorry kids!)
The Maldives!
The maldives white sands………..
The Maldives is the place that is my dream destination !!
My dream holiday would be – Savannah Park to watch the elephants, but would want the kids there too ……….
The Cook Islands
My dream destination has always been the Galapagos Islands, the islands are home to species of plant and animals found nowhere else in the world.
Antartica, or the galapogas islands. Anywhere with weird wildlife and beautiful scenery really!
Florida! I’d love to explore all the theme parks
Always wanted to visit the Maldives, have this vision of eating breakfast whilst dangling my feet in the sea over the side of my own private jetty
My sister and I have always wanted to go to Japan, we’ve been learning the language together for years! 😀
My dream holiday is the BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS bobbing around on the carm seas .
New Zealand was amazing, I’d love to go back there.
New York but I’m terrified of flying.
L x
mine would have to be Cairns, Australia, a brilliant place
New York – I’m going in October!
Australia :-))
I have always dreamed of going to Mauritius, the beaches, the food, and reputation
Key West
My absolute dream holiday destination is Necker Island, it looks incredible!
I would love to go to Bali
Barcelona – Every type of holiday in one glorious place.
My dream holiday location is Hawaii
My dream holiday destination is Honolulu
Australia would be my destination especially Bondi Beach
Mine would be Bali – my dad’s been multiple times and his photos make me jealous!
Safari in Africa
The maldives
Barbados Beautiful white sand, palm trees and piña coladas x
I’d love to take my kids to Disney land in Orlando.
I want to go to North Pole to see polar bear.
Eileen Teo recently posted…BFG 100XXL Ravensburger Puzzle
Anywhere in Great Britain with waterfalls and forests and some lovely views
New York
The Galapagos Islands!
Florida for me. Would love to take my daughter to disneyworld 🙂
Would have to be THAILAND for me, amazing beaches!
somewhere with history and a story to tell, with a hint of romance and some sun. I found budapest was perfect for me.
Greek Isle cruise
Would love to visit Hawaii
Cromer! great place!
Barbados sounds good to me hot and away from here
An African safari
Australia – I would love to go there!
I’d love to go to Japan
Would love to see Cambodia 🙂
Bali….would love to go and just chill out completely
We would love to visit Canada and see the Rocky Mountains
mexico or japan
I am quite happy to stay in the UK, but would love to visit lots of places in the UK I have never seen, such as the Lake District.
I would love to go to Canada.
A nice log cabin in the middle of a wood with nature on the doorstep
My dream destination is the Arctic Circle. To see that clean desolation for miles would be amazing!!!
I would love to go to Thailand
I would love to visit Barbados again
Arizona always wanted to go
I’d love to be able to take my son to Jamaica which is where his Dad’s family are from. We went 16 years ago & it was gorgeous.
a villa holiday in Cyprus. It would have to be a luxury villa. Just for that special treat.
Anywhere in the Caribbean with turtles!
I would love to one day go to new zealand 🙂
I would love to go to the Maldives!
My dream holiday destination would be New Zealand
I would love to go to the Maldives with my boyfriend for a relaxing dream holiday xxx
My all time fav destination is Orlando
Nothern Sweden would be my dream destination 🙂
My husband and I met in Japan and really want to take our daughter there to visit. So that is my dream destination.
I’d love to go back to Cuba, such an interesting place
Thailand to try kitesurfing.
Disneyland Paris. Not even for the kids, for me!! It’s definitely on my to do list x
I love to take the whole family to Florida, that would be amazing 🙂
id love to go to ROME
New England in the autumn especially for Halloween.
I would love to go to Sydney
Ive always wanted to visit Italy especially Pompeii and the ancient Rome monuments
I’d love to take my boys to Jersey.
Would love to take the kids San Francisco x
Italy, though I’ve not been for a number of years and would love to go back
I have Australia on the ‘bucket list’ but a more achievable dream would to be to go back to America.
would have to be Jamaica
the Virgin islands
Cambodia and Vietnam… I would love love love to go!
My dream holiday destination is New York!
I’d love to go Wale watching in Alaska.
austria vienna cake shop
i would love to go to new york
Italy, I’ve dreamed of visiting since I was a little girl and not made it there yet, but I will one day!
New Zealand so I can pretend to be a Hobbit!
I’d love to visit Edinburgh, where my Granny grew up, and visit all the places so used to tell me stories of
I would love to go back to Sorrento where my husband and I had our honeymoon, everything was beautiful, so much to see, so much to eat and drink and so much freedom as was before we had our two little girls but would love to take them there! X
I would love to go and see all of the unusual animals on the Galápagos Islands
Rome is my dream destination
I would like to revisit Namibia
The Maldives
Has to be the Maldives, the most amazing place xx
I have always wanted to go to Peru. Hopefully one day x
I would love to go to New York
I have only ever been abroad once and that was to Gran Caneria. I would love to visit the Maldives, looks beautiful
Natasha Mairs recently posted…Happy Tokens – A Reward System that Actually Works!
I would love to go to Peru for an adventure
Florida is my dream holiday destination
For me, it would be Australia and New Zealand. Hopefully for my honeymoon next year
I’d love to take a road trip across Norway.
I would love to take my little boy to Disneyland!
Japan is my dream destination
I would love to go to the Caribbean.
Sri Lanka
I’ve always wanted to go to Disneyland Florida!
Guyana because my Grandma is from there 🙂
Peru always wanted to walk the inca trail
I’d love to go to Japan where cutting edge modern technology lives side by side with ancient, beautiful tradition and culture.
I would love to go to Mauritius.
I’d love to go to Disneyland, definitely one on my bucket list!
I love Torridon in the Scottish Highlands as it’s so peaceful and ever so beautiful. A good night’s sleep is guaranteed!
Ii would love to take my children to the maldives
I would love to go to disney land florida
japan is my dream holiday
Australia – I’m supposed to be emigrating there but have never been!
I would really like to go to Canada one day and do the Rockies trail
Japan is my dream holiday destination.
Palma Nova in Majorca
I love to travel, so there’s no one destination for me. As long as it’s sunny, with lots to see and do and friendly people, I’ll be happy!
The Maldives – would love a posh beach holiday
I’d love to take the grandkids to DisneyWorld Florida
It’s go to be Sri Lanka – I’ve wanted to go for years and experience their culture and beautiful country
Alaska, I love the cold.
Somerset at my Aunt’s farm. Lots of mud and kids
I would love to go to the Dominican Republic, it just looks so idyllic 🙂
I would absolutely love to go to The Maldives one day
My dream destination is Barbados
would love to go to the Seychelles
New Zealand
I would love to travel to Italy and visit many of it’s lively places
I meant to say lovely
I’d love to go to California
Rio, to see the beach and the statue of Christ, it always looks amazing
I’d love to go to New York
I’d like to go to Bora Bora or somewhere equally as warm and exotic!
I’d love to go to the Bahamas – especially if someone else was paying!
I would like to do the train journey across Canada.
I’d love to go to Australia.
the maldives
Always been Australia, I don’t think I fancy the long flight though
I’d love to go to Florida
would love to visit canada x
Right now I’d love to be on a beach in Jamaica sipping a pina colada!
The Maldives for me
We will be going on a full world cruise on the QM2 in about 4yrs time
Las Vegas
Would love to go to Thailand and see all the places my son visited on his backpacking trip as I’m extremely jealous now LOL!
Iceland is my dream holiday!
The Italian Lakes
My dream destination is Australia, I’ve always wanted to go and visit!
i wud love to go to phillipines to visit my brother and his family
The beautiful Greek island of Skiathos
Any where in Spain
Somewhere hot with a great pool and lots of things to see and do
Would love to go to Russia
Iceland – staying in a glass pod watching the Northern Lights with the hubby <3
My dream destination is Las Vegas!!
My Dream Holiday destination is the Orkney Islands.
I’ve been lucky & managed to travel to many countries during my life but you can’t beat the UK. The Cotswolds or Cornwall are my dream destinations!
You can’t get better than the Lake District, I love it
Florence, Italy
Costa Rica
The Maldives – looks fabulous!
I’d love to visit the Amalfi Coast
Florida amongst other places
my dream is . . . . .to return to India . . . . . it lives up to its name !ncredible !ndia
I’d love to go back to the Maldives – it’s stunning
Tel Aviv would be great
I’d love to visit Japan.
I would love to visit Easter Island and see the Moai Statues
I’d love to got to Italy, lots of sightseeing and pizza
the cayman islands
Route 66
I would love a holiday to anywhere as ive been poorly gor the last few years and as a single parent havent been able to take my children anywhere nice for a long time. If i had to choose my dream destination would be somewhere in the carribean like barbados
My dream destination is Santorini – Sparkling white buildings, spectacular position, deep blue sea and wall to wall sunshine. Bliss!
The Maldives !
My dream holiday would be Disney land in Florida
Amalfi in Italy
Always wanted to go to Iceland!
Love to go to Ireland
I would love to go to Barbados! x
South Africa!!
I would love to go and see the northern lights in Iceland
Thailand….the food!
I’d love to go to Iceland 🙂
I love Malaysia. It’s a beautiful country which I have been fortunate to visit in the past. Would so love to take my daughter there too one day in the future.
Southern Germany
I’ve always wanted to visit Jamaica xx
canadian rockies
The west coast of America
Home alone!
Sweden, especially Stolkholm!
Always wanted to visit Rome in Italy
The Lake District
Rapa Nui
new Zealand just for the landscapes
Italy, especially the Amalfi coast. We visited on our honeymoon and hope to return as a family one day
I’d love to visit Thailand.
We sail to New York every couple of years on the QM11 Liner
Sicily is my dream destination
Crete it’s so beautiful
the maldives
The Isle of Wight so peaceful and slightly old fashioned
my dream destination is new zealand
dream destination… wow.. Canada, Caribbean, USA & Italy
I’ve been dreaming of going to Havana ever since I watched Dirty Dancing 2! (About a decade ago!)
I’d love to go to Tahiti
southern spain
Japan, as I’ve always wanted to go.Especially when the Cherry Blossoms are in bloom 🙂
It’s Santa Monica beach…aka Palm Tree Heaven
I would love to visit the Scottish Highlands
My dream holiday destination is New York.
Switzerland! Such a pretty country 🙂
Kenya would be my dream holiday destination, I’d love to go on safari 🙂
It’d have to be Jamaica as I have always wanted to go there and laze on the white sands with palm tree’s shading me
California. I love it there!
I would love to visit Sri Lanka
Seychelles would be nice
We’d all love to visit New Zealand as none of us have ever been, it looks beautiful and we have friends there.
i’m a homebird so it would be the pembrokeshire coast for me everytime
St Lucia! White sands, clear blue seas, gentle breeze and blue skies…………. Sounds like heaven.
I would love to visit Israel
oh mine is to visit america
My dream holiday destination is Hawaii
Tahiti is my dream holiday destination – it sounds so wonderful and exotic.
I would love to go back to Australia 😀
Las Vegas is my favourite place to go
Florida would be amazing with our baby
Disneyland Paris with my daughter <3
I would love to explore Hong Kong as it’s always been one of my dreams to visit there one day.
Australias Gold Coast … walking on those long sandy beaches, watching the surfers would be a dream come true
florida ; love rides , disney
Cancun – Mexico
New York xx
New Zealand as my best friend lives there now and I miss her
I love New York.
I would absolutely love to go to America! There are so many places there that I’d love to visit! A shopping trip to New York, visiting the Smithsonian in Washington, a sweet hotel in New England in the Autumn when the leaves are changing colour, eating beignets in New Orleans and who could forget Disney Orlando with my own two little princesses!
mexico, so much culture and such a beautiful place
Iceland looking for the northern lights 🙂
I love the states and would love to go back to Texas it was the most amazing place ever
me and my husband would love to go the Mexico (when the kids have grown up perhaps)
I’d love to see the Northern Lights in Iceland
My dream destination would be Australia
Anywhere!!! Haven’t had a holiday in 10 years.
My dream destination is Las Vegas. Providing I had the budget for it!
Costa Rica; the jungle treehouses are amazing
I’ve always wanted to go to Venice and have a ride in a gondola
Hawaii or death valley
The best place for us is making memories in florida
Bruges! Its where my husband proposed to me, and I would love to go again and take our four children! x
Always wanted to go to Jamaica
The Philippines is my dream holiday.
Maldives is my dream holiday trying to go for so long. would love to relax and learn to dive there.
The Galapagos Islands would be a fabulous destination.
I would love to take my family to Florida
Always wanted to go to Syria but not anymore!
I am desperate to visit New York
Quite fancy the son & daughter in law went there for their honeymoon & it looks amazing….
The Seychelles.
Currently it’s Scandinavia – I’d love to take the kids on a cruise down the Norwegian Fjords
Tahiti – so beautiful, so exotic, but so very expensive!!
thanks to weddings – we’ve realised some of those dreams this year. South Korea, Japan and Vegas to come.
The unrealised dream is Australia. The lifestyle looks incredible – would love to sample it.
I would love to go to Hawaii. I looks like a beautiful place
Tracey Bowden recently posted…When To Use A PayDay Loan?
New Zealand
New York
I would love to go to Barbados!
Boston I’d love to go there its breathtaking
Santorini Greece is ideal, beautiful
Rome I would love to go
Las Vegas to see Penn and Teller Live
Love to go to San Francisco
New Zealand, looks completely amazing.
New York for me,I have always wanted to go!
New Zeland
Mine would be thailand
I would love to go to Dubai.
i would love to visit eygpt x
would love to go to Canada or New Zealand
a tour of america
orlando florida
Would love to visit Switzerland
Tokyo has been my dream , hopefully one day il get to live it out
It has to be Montego Bay Jamaica 🙂
The Maldives
would love to go to Egypt
My dream holiday destination has to be Montego Bay, Jamaica. It holds really special memories for me as that’s where we went on our honeymoon. Glorious weather, amazing sunsets, beautiful blue sea + white beaches….bliss!
i would love to go to japan
My dream holiday would be to Florence and the Tuscan landscape but I think little man would love to go to Disneyland.
I really want to visit Las Vegas.
My Son wants to go to Disney Florida as he has never been abroad. Hopefully one day I will be able to take him x
I would love to go to Italy, such a beautiful country. Thanks
I would love to visit Japan as it looks such an interesting country.
I would love to visit Vegas
would love to go to Japan
My dream destination is the US 🙂 x
My dream holiday destination has always been Maui in Hawaii and hopefully my husband will take me there one day – I may be old and grey but then but who cares!!!
Washington D.C. is top of my list!
The Caribbean
Erica Price recently posted…Week 30 of 2016
Tayvallich in northern Scotland
I’ve always wanted to go to Cuba.
The beautiful and romantic Scottish Highlands….
Florida and Arizona
The Bahamas, we saved up and went as a belated honeymoon but just before we left I found out I was pregnant, so no cocktails and awful morning sickness!
My dream holiday destination is Scotland
Bali would be a dream!
It would have to be New Zealand.
Australia. The Great Barrier Reef. Thanks
has to be new zealand
Australia, I would love to visit the Sydney opera house 🙂
I think The Maldives
I would love to go to Austria
id like to go to japan or back to canada
I’d love to go to Mexico.
I would love to go to the Maldives
New Zealand is my dream holiday destination
I’d love to go to Italy for a romantic break with my better half
Las Vegas
would love to go on the Orient Express
I would love to visit New Orleans
Sri Lanka so I can feed the baby elephants and sit and watch the Dolphins swimming off shore
I’ve always fancied driving a camperVan around Canada!
Thailand is in my dreams
Maui is my dream desitination, such a place of natural beauty!
Orlando – I go at least once a year and have been for the last 30 years 😀
Would love to visit the Amazon
The Seychelles
The Maldives, those little hut in the Indian ocean look like bliss x
I would love to visit St Lucia! : )