Win a set of pillows with Silentnight & Dream Holiday promotion

There’s nothing better than sleeping in your own bed at night, so when you are away from home it can be hard to feel comfortable and get a good nights sleep.  In fact a surprisingly high number of people really do miss their bed whilst on holiday, according to a survey compiled by Silentnight.

“Six out of 10 Brits agree that they miss their bed more than their FAMILY, when away on holiday.”

With the holiday season arriving and a good nights sleep on our minds, Silentnight have launched a Dream Holiday competition where you can win the holiday of your dreams along with a multitude of runners up prizes including iPads, bikes, experience days and fitness equipment.

For a chance of winning one of these amazing prizes, all you need to do is purchase a Silentnight product, can be pillows, duvet etc that has the Dream holiday promotional sticker on.

Nick Booth from Silentnight comments: “With increasingly busy lives, it’s understandable that UK consumers are looking to get away just to unwind, relax and sleep! And good bedding is of course key to a good night’s rest.

I totally agree with this statement and find a decent pillow to be really important at night otherwise I do struggle to sleep through the night.  With that in mind I have a set of Silentnight pillows up for grabs for one of my readers to ensure they get a really good nights sleep at home!

PB0987__spring_into_summer_pillows (3)

All you need to do to win is fill out the Gleam widget below, and don’t forget to look out for the stickered packs in the shops to win the amazing prize of a Dream Holiday along with some amazing other prizes.





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527 thoughts on “Win a set of pillows with Silentnight & Dream Holiday promotion

  1. Canada it’s a beautiful country and huge we have seen a tiny part of it but would love to see more

  2. My local seaside! I’m mostly housebound due to illnesses so I don’t get to go on holidays but used to love my nearest one it has lovely sandy beaches 🙂

  3. For me, I really want to go to Hawaii. For the family I would love to take them to the Bahamas and New York.

  4. Hawaii to relax on the beach, and meet the people. Though I also would like to visit Disneyworld Florida etc, as I do like theme parks etc.

  5. My dream destination would be Norway to see the Northern Lights – though they are very elusive apparently!

  6. Benodet in southern Brittany. I have been lucky enough to live the dream for over 20 years 🙂

  7. My current dream holiday destination is Canada. We went to Japan last year and since then I have dreamt about going to Canada xx

  8. My dream holiday destination would be to go to Italy to see Italian relatives I haven’t seen for over 20 years x

  9. I would say Malta as I lived there when I was very young. I’ve been back twice since and it’s a beautiful place x

  10. When I was a little girl my Mum’s cousin moved to Bermuda. I’d never heard of Bermuda so looked it up and read that the beaches there had pink sand. I fell in love with the idea and have always wanted to visit to see if they really are as pink as in my imagination!

  11. My dream holiday destination is Mauritius. I spent a few weeks there in my early 20s (20 years ago) and loved it. I would love to go back taking my hubby and children with me.

  12. I’ve got family in New Zealand who I am desperate to see so for me it would be there 🙂

  13. I’ll probably never get there in this lifetime, but I’d love to visit the Maldives, looks like paradise! 🙂

  14. My dream destination is the Ecuadorian part of the Amazon Rainforest followed by a boat trip over to the Galapagos Islands <3

  15. I have always wanted to go to Tobago after working with a lady from there, who said it is a beautiful country.

  16. I have always dreamt of going to Australia I have wanted to go since I was a kid, hopefully go there for my honeymoon

  17. My dream holiday would be – Savannah Park to watch the elephants, but would want the kids there too ……….

  18. My dream destination has always been the Galapagos Islands, the islands are home to species of plant and animals found nowhere else in the world.

  19. Always wanted to visit the Maldives, have this vision of eating breakfast whilst dangling my feet in the sea over the side of my own private jetty

  20. My sister and I have always wanted to go to Japan, we’ve been learning the language together for years! 😀

  21. somewhere with history and a story to tell, with a hint of romance and some sun. I found budapest was perfect for me.

  22. I am quite happy to stay in the UK, but would love to visit lots of places in the UK I have never seen, such as the Lake District.

  23. My dream destination is the Arctic Circle. To see that clean desolation for miles would be amazing!!!

  24. I’d love to be able to take my son to Jamaica which is where his Dad’s family are from. We went 16 years ago & it was gorgeous.

  25. My husband and I met in Japan and really want to take our daughter there to visit. So that is my dream destination.

  26. I have Australia on the ‘bucket list’ but a more achievable dream would to be to go back to America.

  27. Italy, I’ve dreamed of visiting since I was a little girl and not made it there yet, but I will one day!

  28. I’d love to visit Edinburgh, where my Granny grew up, and visit all the places so used to tell me stories of

  29. I would love to go back to Sorrento where my husband and I had our honeymoon, everything was beautiful, so much to see, so much to eat and drink and so much freedom as was before we had our two little girls but would love to take them there! X

  30. I’d love to go to Japan where cutting edge modern technology lives side by side with ancient, beautiful tradition and culture.

  31. I love Torridon in the Scottish Highlands as it’s so peaceful and ever so beautiful. A good night’s sleep is guaranteed!

  32. I love to travel, so there’s no one destination for me. As long as it’s sunny, with lots to see and do and friendly people, I’ll be happy!

  33. It’s go to be Sri Lanka – I’ve wanted to go for years and experience their culture and beautiful country

  34. Would love to go to Thailand and see all the places my son visited on his backpacking trip as I’m extremely jealous now LOL!

  35. I’ve been lucky & managed to travel to many countries during my life but you can’t beat the UK. The Cotswolds or Cornwall are my dream destinations!

  36. I would love a holiday to anywhere as ive been poorly gor the last few years and as a single parent havent been able to take my children anywhere nice for a long time. If i had to choose my dream destination would be somewhere in the carribean like barbados

  37. My dream destination is Santorini – Sparkling white buildings, spectacular position, deep blue sea and wall to wall sunshine. Bliss!

  38. I love Malaysia. It’s a beautiful country which I have been fortunate to visit in the past. Would so love to take my daughter there too one day in the future.

  39. Italy, especially the Amalfi coast. We visited on our honeymoon and hope to return as a family one day

  40. I’ve been dreaming of going to Havana ever since I watched Dirty Dancing 2! (About a decade ago!)

  41. Japan, as I’ve always wanted to go.Especially when the Cherry Blossoms are in bloom 🙂

  42. It’d have to be Jamaica as I have always wanted to go there and laze on the white sands with palm tree’s shading me

  43. We’d all love to visit New Zealand as none of us have ever been, it looks beautiful and we have friends there.

  44. St Lucia! White sands, clear blue seas, gentle breeze and blue skies…………. Sounds like heaven.

  45. I would love to explore Hong Kong as it’s always been one of my dreams to visit there one day.

  46. Australias Gold Coast … walking on those long sandy beaches, watching the surfers would be a dream come true

  47. I would absolutely love to go to America! There are so many places there that I’d love to visit! A shopping trip to New York, visiting the Smithsonian in Washington, a sweet hotel in New England in the Autumn when the leaves are changing colour, eating beignets in New Orleans and who could forget Disney Orlando with my own two little princesses!

  48. Bruges! Its where my husband proposed to me, and I would love to go again and take our four children! x

  49. Quite fancy the son & daughter in law went there for their honeymoon & it looks amazing….

  50. thanks to weddings – we’ve realised some of those dreams this year. South Korea, Japan and Vegas to come.

    The unrealised dream is Australia. The lifestyle looks incredible – would love to sample it.

  51. My dream holiday destination has to be Montego Bay, Jamaica. It holds really special memories for me as that’s where we went on our honeymoon. Glorious weather, amazing sunsets, beautiful blue sea + white beaches….bliss!

  52. My dream holiday would be to Florence and the Tuscan landscape but I think little man would love to go to Disneyland.

  53. My dream holiday destination has always been Maui in Hawaii and hopefully my husband will take me there one day – I may be old and grey but then but who cares!!!

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