So Slime Glam DIY – Review

So Slime Glam DIY from Canal Toys is a fun, scented slime pack that you create and keep in cute little beauty shaped containers. Perfect for an afternoon of fun and then to get out and play with whenever you fancy a bit of slimy, stretchy fun – what kid doesn’t these days? Contents of So Slime Glam DIY 3 …

Glam Goo Deluxe Slime – Review

With one of the top toy trends at the moment being slime related, the Glam Goo Deluxe Slime set was sure to get a positive first impression from my daughter so I was keen for her to try it out and give me her views.  The set comes boxed featuring a good sized glitter plastic handbag with sections inside to …

Slime, Gelli Baff and SnoBall fun with Zimpli Kids – Review

Do your kids love playing with Slime, Gelli and Fake Snow?  Then Zimpli Kids have the answer to all of their messy play dreams with simple, easy to use products that kids love and parents don’t have to worry about too much mess.  We were sent to review a selection of their products to try out and see what we …

Making Slime at the National Marine Aquarium

A few weekends ago, the National Marine Aquarium put on an special activity for children “Slime Weekend”.  I had no ideal what it entailed but being annual members we decided to pop down to entertain the children for a couple of hours.  Although it ended up with me dropping the children off with daddy while I did the weekly supermarket …