
So Slime Glam DIY – Review

So Slime Glam DIY from Canal Toys is a fun, scented slime pack that you create and keep in cute little beauty shaped containers. Perfect for an afternoon of fun and then to get out and play with whenever you fancy a bit of slimy, stretchy fun – what kid doesn’t these days?

picture of so slime glam set

Contents of So Slime Glam DIY

  • 3 Shakers
  • 3 Scented Slime powders
  • 3 Bags of glittery decoration

contents of the so slime glam set

Slime is something my children are very fond of so this set put a smile on their faces straight away and they couldn’t wait to try it out.  It’s really simple to make and you simply add one sachet of scented slime powder into each of the shakers.  Then add water up to the marker line inside the container, put the lid on and give it a really good shake.  We did find you need to give them a thorough shake for a few minutes and then massage the slime through to ease out any lumps.  We also found the slime became a lot smoother by the next day which allowed for lots of stretching and playing with it.

showing the children making the slime

Once you have your ready made slime, it’s time to add some sparkle.  To do this simply pour the glitter onto the slime an knead it in until it’s all mixed around.  This really does leave your So Slime Glam DIY looking really pretty and glamourous.

adding glitter to the slime

Each coloured slime has matching glitter with it, as you can see the red one below had little red lips glitter which made it look bold and vibrant. You can see how stretchy it is as my daughter pulled it from one hand to the other.

adding glitter and stretching the slime

What we thought about So Slime Glam DIY

Each coloured slime is a great size and smell amazing.  We love that each have their own container for storage meaning you can put them away and get them out again another day for play.  They definitely improved over 24 hours as well, giving them really impressive stretch.  The other things we loved about this slime is that it is totally non sticky and doesn’t leave any mess – you can’t go wrong with that!

stretching slime into big flat shapes

So Slime Glam DIY is available for £9.99 from all good toy retailers and would make the perfect party present – I think slime is one of those toys appreciated by most children at the moment no matter what age!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.

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