Miss M’s 4th Birthday!! – Princess Castle Cake

So the amazing Miss M was 4 years old on New Year’s day.  We actually held her party on New Year’s Eve at a local hall with the main attraction being a pink princess bouncy castle incorporating a slide out of the side (at madam’s request).

As usual I made her birthday cake the night before with a vague idea in my head of the finished design.  At midnight when the icing wasn’t quite adhering to the cut chocolate sponge quite as I hoped I began to despair, but by 1am it started coming together.  At 2am I wondered quite what I had let myself in for as I stood in the kitchen cutting wafers into triangles and spraying them with edible silver spray and by 3am I wondered where my sanity had gone as I sat with a pair of tweezers picking up silver balls one by one in attempt to write Miss M’s name across the cake.

Finally at 3.30am a princess castle cake was complete and mummy could finally put head to pillow in a bid to get 3 hours sleep before Mister B woke up and the morning party preparations took place.

DSCF3720After a successful party with 16 excited, over energetic 3 & 4 year olds, I was finally able to relax for a few hours.  And determined not to be stuck in the kitchen all evening I had already pre booked a table at Prezzo (Miss M’s fave restaurant) for us plus family for a special birthday dinner.

The birthday girl took her seat at the centre of the table and after devouring her 3 courses from the children’s menu, Miss M proudly and in a very grown up fashion sipped her Bambinoccino (frothy milk sprinkled with milk chocolate flakes).

DSCF3734I am very proud to now have a beautiful 4 year old daughter. xx

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