With a New Year upon us, it’s time to think a bit smarter about who we are and what we want to get out of life. After all since hitting my 40’s a few years ago, I’m constantly reminded by just how short life really is as I watch the years pass by and my children grow up in an every changing world around us. If we want to do things, see things around the country or the world, we can, it’s just about being organised and reaching for our goals. A lot more is possible than you first think, just think big, think positive and you’ll achieve it.
- Write lists
Make lists everywhere, in your notebook, on sticky notes, put them on your fridge, on the wall, in your handbag and cross things off as you do them. Keep checking them throughout the day and it’ll make you get more done as you won’t forget things and it’ll also make you feel good seeing jobs with lines crossed through them and marked as done. If you manage to clear an entire list you’ll feel a sense of achievement! - Set yourself goals
Whether they be mini daily goals (such as going on a walk, cooking a healthy meal, sorting out some paperwork) or weekly goals (go alcohol free, getting to the gym 2-3 times a week, decluttering a room, doing a bit of much needed DIY, clearing out your wardrobe). Write these down and tick them off as you achieve them. - Plan ahead
Think of things you would like to do throughout the year and write them down, start planning for them in order to make them happen, whether it’s a holiday, a new kitchen, change of job, saving money for a new car etc. If you start planning it at the start of the year, hopefully it will happen before the end. - Be spontaneous
This I know sounds completely contradictory to the above, but a bit of spontaneity in your life brings happiness and helps you to feel like you’ve achieved things. So if you planned to get up Saturday morning and clean the bathroom and do the ironing, but you look outside and it’s a beautiful day, then why not pack your bags and head to the beach with a book. If you’ve got kids they will love it, you’ll all enjoy the warmth and fresh air and when you come home you’ll feel that you achieved something, the cleaning can be squeezed in over the next few days to catch up! - Switch off your phone!
Whether you do it for a day at the weekend, or an evening or two during the week, just try it for a few hours. I know you’ll be itching to check your emails or catch up on social media but the reality is you’ll fill your time getting much more done either doing chores or spending quality time with kids and family.
I’m aiming to carry out all five of the above every week and believe it will gain me a more productive, organised and happier lifestyle, achieving and getting things done along with making things happening and moving on with life, allowing me to enjoy and experience more things leading to a happier, more content lifestyle for me and my family.
Let me know how you aim to achieve more in 2018?
Photo credit thanks to my pre children holiday to Las Vegas in 2006 (Grand Canyon was amazing if you’re ever think of visiting!)