Fruit Bowl snacks have always been popular with my two children so we were keen to try their new range of Frollipops of fun shaped, fruit flavoured lollipops in two variants – Strawberry Rockets and Apple Snakes.
Made with real fruit and only natural flavours and colours, each lollipop contains 1 of child’s 5 a day!
Each lollipop is quite small and like a jelly textured sweet that is easy to chew. I thought my two would like the Strawberry Rockets best but it turns out they preferred the Apple Snakes. Miss M describes them as “Very tasty”. Mister B wasn’t as keen and prefers other fruit bowl snacks.
These are handy to take out and about as they are individually wrapped and won’t melt and of course a healthy option!
All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the snacks in order to write the review.
This is interesting! It is so much healthier than those sweetie lollipop!
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