The Zelfs Series 5 Crystal Zelfs So-Anne – Review

The Zelfs Series 5, proved popular with Miss M when we reviewed them a while ago, and now there are some new editions, The Crystal Zelfs from Character Toys.

We received So-anne, a Teddy Bear Zelf with the magical power as a Dream Giver.

ZelfEach crystal Zelf comes with a crystal on their body from which their magical powers come from.  They also come with a glittery accessory to play with alongside the Zelf, in this case, a sparkly rocking chair.  So-anne is a pink and yellow Zelf with hair to match.  I find the Zelf’s well made and sturdy, perfect for everyday play and carrying around.  They are built to last and children just love stroking their hair!

The rocking chair is a cute accessory that the Zelf can easily sit in with bent legs.  I think it looks lovely sat on Miss M’s bedside where she keeps her Zelf collection.  The hair can be played with and the figure can be posed.

crystal zelf

The Zelfs are perfectly priced for party presents, or for children to save up a bit of pocket money to buy, and with lots of others in the collection, there is a great choice to choose from.  With Moonicorn, Angelala, Sugar Bunny and Moona as other Zelf’s in the collection, why not take a look at them and pick out your favourite!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the Zelf in order to write the review.

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