Day to Day

End of maternity leave – back to work!!

So that time has come – 52 weeks of being on maternity leave reaches an end!! It was great but I won’t me going back for any more. My dear Mister B starts nursery on Monday alongside Miss M – who is very excited at the prospect of her baby brother joining her. Although mummy doesn’t share quite the same excitement of sitting at an office desk for 8 hours daydreaming about the endless chores waiting for her at home and her poor baby boy enduring a long day on his first adventures at nursery.

But I am grateful for the bit of winter sun we had last week  – October sun – who’d have thought it? It gave me a chance to have some fun in the local park with Mister B and Miss M while daddy was working. Mister B loves the baby swings and we always get him giggling on them.

While Miss M on the other hand likes a bit of adventure and has to go on everything especially loving to climb or go down the slides!!

So I guess it’s preparation and organisation this weekend ensuring everything’s ready on Sunday night, clothes out, bags packed, packed lunch made……..and now I wait for panic mode to set in on Monday morning – arghh!!

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