Disney Planes 2 Puzzles from Ravensburger – Review

Disney Planes 2 is the perfect theme for some new puzzles from Ravensburger with the new film being released this summer.  Young fans of Disney Planes will love creating puzzles out of their favourite plane characters and Mister B is no exception.  Being 3yrs old (nearer 4), these puzzles are just the right size for him without him losing too much concentration.

disney planes puzzles 3We received a 4 in a box puzzle set with four puzzles of varying sizes.  A 12, 16, 20 and 24 piece puzzle was included, each with a picture of a different character.  Mister B started on the smallest 12 piece puzzle.  This was the most excited I’ve seen him at attempting puzzles and it was really nice to see a smile on his face whilst doing them.  I don’t know if it was the pictures that attracted him or the fact that he is a little bit older than when we’ve tried puzzles in the past.

He was really determined to complete each puzzle and with a few pointers from me to find the corners, then the straight edges, he managed to get to the end.  I think this is a great little set that we really enjoyed and as his confidence grew completing the smaller puzzles, he happily moved onto the larger ones.  My one criticism of this set is that all four puzzles come in one bag, and all the backs of them are the same.  It takes a while to sort the pieces out to separate the puzzles which was frustrating for Mister B to wait for me to do.  We do have some other Ravensburger puzzles with different designs on the back, spots, stripes etc and I would have liked to see that in this box to aid little ones in finding the right pieces for each puzzle.

disney planes puzzlesOnce Mister B had completed the 4 in a box puzzles we moved onto the 35 piece puzzle.  Mister B was keen for the challenge but he did need a little help from me.  This is great practise for him though and it was fun to sit and guide him through how to put a puzzle together.  We finally completed it and he was so proud at putting the last few pieces in all by himself, hopefully he’ll be doing it all on his own before long!

disney planes puzzles 2We really enjoyed these puzzles and they’ve been great for Mister B to build on his jigsaw building skills.  He loved the Disney Planes 2 theme of the puzzles too and I think he’ll have a lot of fun doing them over and over throughout the next year.  We think any little Disney Planes 2 fan would enjoy them too so why not check them out?

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and the puzzles were sent to us in order to write the review.


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