
Creating a #brightFuture for the children

I’ve always inspired my children to look to the future and encourage them that the small things they do now can make a big difference to life as they get older.  From what they learn themselves either from school or tv programmes, they are quite aware of recycling and helping to protect the environment.


We have two bins in the kitchen and they are always asking which bin to put their rubbish in, the normal waste bin or the recycling bin.  They also like to have a rummage too from time to time and turn our rubbish into a fabulous creation!

Here is Mister B’s wonderful junk model volcano!

blakes-volcano-march-2015We also try to be helpful to the environment in other ways such as turning lights off when we can, keeping heating to a minimum and trying to avoid running taps when unnecessary! (I’m a terrible one for that when cleaning my teeth!)

We recently moved house and now have a large garden which is really lovely and within that we see a lot of wildlife such as birds and squirrels.  We also have a large compost bin at the end which we try and fill with scraps with melt down and we can then use to feed the garden with.  We also try to grow our own vegetables which has only been on a small scale this year as we’ve just moved in, but we had our own tomatoes and herbs which is really lovely for the children to help water and harvest.

We’d like to be more self sufficient in future years and aim to grow courgettes, beans, potatoes and several other vegetables which not only the children enjoy helping with but leads us to a better future eating home grown produce and relying on pesticide free goods.

Watch this space for our growing adventures over the next year to see what we achieve!

This post is an entry for BritMums #brightFuture Challenge, sponsored by Unilever



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