Cetraben Dry Skin Cream Review & Giveaway

Cetraben is an emollient cream which can be used to help treat dry and sensitive skin.  It used to be prescription only but now is available to buy whenever you or your child’s skin needs something a bit richer whether it’s due to dry patches or eczema related issues.


Both my children have suffered with dry and sensitive skin in different ways since they were born and I also have a particularly dry itchy patch of skin on my leg that ordinary moisturisers don’t really help with.  We’ve been prescribed creams in the past but it’s great to know you can buy one when you need it.

Cetraben has created two different formulas, a cream and a lotion with the lotion being a lot lighter in texture than the cream which is great when you don’t want to be rubbing heavy creams in to your skin.

Both the cream and lotion contain three key ingredients:

  • Light Liquid Paraffin – replaces lost skin oils
  • White Soft Paraffin – forms a protective barrier on the skin surface
  • Glycerin – brings moisture up from deep down in the skin

I’ve tried out both textures and find they both absorb really quickly and easily leaving little greasy residue.  They are pleasant to use and have really helped with the dry patches on my leg and my little boys patches on his back.


The product comes in large style pump bottles (200ml) as well as handy smaller (50ml) bottles which are ideal for travel or keeping in your handbag.

I have two full sets of both the lotion and cream in both sizes available to giveaway to two lucky readers.

Just fill in the Gleam widget below:


All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.


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144 thoughts on “Cetraben Dry Skin Cream Review & Giveaway

  1. Yes I do, my skin is so sensitive, i cant wear perfume as my skin comes out in dry red patches

  2. Yes, my daughter has had eczema since she was a baby. We find that the summer makes her skin worse.

  3. I have psoriasis since I was 20. Tried lots emollients and creams. Most definitely helps to soothe and calm skin. Didn’t try Cetraben yet. Count me in please.

  4. My little boy suffers from dry skin on his cheeks. I careful to apply cream on it, especially in sunny, warm weather when it’s at it’s worst.

  5. Me and my son both have eczema on our hands especially during the summer
    a 500g of cetraben does last for ever

  6. I do myself suffer with dry skin. A 6 year old daughter who has excema and a 8 week old with dry skin xx

  7. I have dry skin. My son has eczema all over and my daughter has it in her elbow creases. Husband had bad eczema when he was younger

  8. Yes, my daughter in particular suffers with extremley dry, worse in some place than others but it drives her crazy .x

  9. Yes family has dry skin issues, that seem to flare up and get uncomfortable, especially at night

  10. I don’t personally suffer too much but a good friend of mine does and she uses Cetraben all of the time. If I were to be lucky enough to win, I would give this to my friend as a gift.

  11. Yes my daughter suffers from eczema flareups and I have been told to keep her skin moisurised well and use gentle products. I also suffer from dry skin

  12. Luckily my skin is normal (!) and I don’t have any children but would love to win this prize to donate to charity, to go to Romania.

  13. years of psoriasis its amazing keeps my skin soft flexible and lovely, the family use it and kids love to cover themselves in it

  14. My youngest son has just started getting eczema behind his knees and really dry skin on his thighs and tummy

  15. I don’t suffer from dry skin but my sister does so if I won I would give the prize to her

  16. My husband has terrible dry skin and eczema patches on his scalp and around his eyes and it’s hard to find something suitable for these areas.

  17. Yes! both my boys have patches of eczema that flare up every now and again and I also have very dry skin.

  18. I have a form of dermatitis that means my eyebrows, nose and hairline are incredibly flaky. So, so embarrassing and there’s no cure. Constantly lathered in all sorts of creams to try and stop it!

  19. Myself and my youngest daughter both suffer with extremely dry skin, eczema and are prone to psoriasis!

  20. Thankfully my son only has very small patches of dry / rough skin on back of his arms, but I too suffer from dry skin. The older I’m getting the worse my skin is becoming!

  21. eczyma is always there. comes and goes in waves, creams sometimes help sometimes dont. we’d love to try this.

  22. I get very annoying dry patches that I can’t shake, especially on my arms and two of my three children have a very sensitive skin

  23. I Suffer from dry skin and eczema and so does our daughter.

    Fantastic Prize.
    I love reading your blogs.
    Thanks for sharing.

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