BioCare’s Immunity Boosting Supplements

BioCare have added some new supplements to their range to make sure that your body is prepared for the colder months and help prevent Winter colds and runny noses.  Usually probiotics have to be kept in the fridge but the new Everyday BioAcidophilus comes in a very convenient capsule form which makes it easier for people with busy lives to take.

Being great for your gut and an additional source of friendly bacteria naturally found in your digestive system, this is a great way to boost your immune system in addition to a healthy eating and balanced lifestyle.  I like the way there are 7 capsules to each strip in the box.  That way I can easily tell if I’ve had each days supplement as by taking the first one in a strip on a Monday and then you can tell which day of the week you are due to take.

In addition to the adult’s version there is a tasty children’s supplement, the Red Berry BioMelts containing a unique live bacteria with added vitamin D . The innovative product is a no mess, no fuss supplement makes giving your kid’s their daily dose of vitamins a whole more fun. The delicious berry flavoured sachet dissolves on the tongue, designed to give children the essentials they need for immunity support. I tried this with 9yr old Miss M who actually though this was quite nice and has been happily taking one each day in the morning.  I find children’s supplements can be hit and miss as to whether my children will like them and finish the packet but so far so good with this one.

Overall I’m pleased with the BioCare range of supplements keeping our immune systems boosted, they are simple to use and so far we are all feeling well and in good health!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review. 

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One thought on “BioCare’s Immunity Boosting Supplements

  1. Appreciating the time and effort you put into your website and in depth information you offer. Very clear explanation. You’ve really covered up almost all the possible info that every health-conscious person should follow to boost their immune system. Worth sharing! Please continue sharing your updates! Thanks a lot!

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