Back to School with BRITA Fill & Go Active Water Bottle

Brita Fill & Go Active Bottle is a durable, practical everyday bottle that filters water on the go and is perfect for adults and kids alike.  It’s a good size which is great for my children who drink a lot particularly in warm weather and ideal for them to take to school to keep them hydrated during the school day.

Holding 0.6 of a litre it’s easy to know roughly how much you are drinking in a day.  The filter is simple to use and just a small disc you insert between the screw parts at the top.  Reducing chlorine and other taste-impairing substances each disc will filter up to 150 litres of water or can be used for up to 4 weeks.  The bottle can also be used without a filter should you so wish.

The whole bottle is made from a soft plastic making it durable and child friendly – if it drops on the floor, it’s unlikely to crack and break.  With a handy carry handle and a removable lid, the children have absolutely taken to these and carried them round out and about on all our days out over the last couple of weeks.  Having different coloured handles helps them differentiate between them (lime and pink are also available).

Overall I’m highly impressed with these Brita active bottles and they are just perfect for our family and lifestyle.  They feature everything the children need and are perfect for taking to school when they return next week, just need to add their name on the bottom and they are ready to go.  I know they will be well used and help them drink plenty of water during the day.  If you are looking for a simple, unfussy design (which is what they need at school) that is durable in it’s build and also has the ability to filter water then this Brita Fill & Go active bottle is the one for you!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.

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