Personalised Happy Families Card Games

Happy Families is a long played traditional card game, but this new personalised version from Go For It Games gives it a special twist and added entertainment value to play.  Go For It Games offer a range of personalised card games but we were sent out namesake version of Happy Families to try out.


The came comes in an eyecatching box that immediately caught the children’s attention, with them wanting to sit and play.  Also included is a sheet of personalised wrapping paper which makes this really lovely to give as a gift to a family as the whole package can be personal to them.

happy families

Inside the box you will find two piles of cards which can be merged together, and a number of instruction cards that need to be removed and kept aside to remind you of the rules of play.  The game cleverly comes with two games to play, the traditional Happy Families and Go Fish, a variation on the game, although overall the pack can be used to play various other games such as snap etc just as you would a normal deck of cards.

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The cards themselves in the pack were a big highlight for us. Each set of four is themed around an event or occasion and there is a Mr, Mrs, Miss and Master which fits our family perfectly.  The children found the pictures and themes really exciting, relating as many as they could to themselves.  5yr old Mister B’s favourite was the Martins at Easter, as Master Martin is sat there amongst a pile of Easter eggs eating a large chocolate one!  There are also random facts about the surname Martin at the bottom of some of the cards.

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With two children eager to play we got started.  Go Fish is similar game to Happy Families although instead of holding all of the cards, you only have 7 each and the rest go in a pile in the centre, which you tell players to “Go Fish” from if you don’t have the card they are asking for.  After playing a couple of each versions of the game, it was clear that my children aged 8 and 5 prefered Go Fish and we have been playing that all week!

In fact they love it and it is our go to game at the moment, it is best played with 3 or more players and provides simple, fun, family entertainment.  Being small it is ideal to take on holidays too, something I’ll definitely be packing this summer!

These games are great with their personalised feature and with the 24 most popular surnames included it’s worth checking out Go For It Games to see if yours is there too!

If you do decide to purchase for either yourself or as a gift then the code MARTIN10 will give you a 10% discount until the 24th December 2017!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the product in order to write an honest review.

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4 thoughts on “Personalised Happy Families Card Games

  1. What a great idea, I love the name personalisation. Will have to see what names they have!

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