
Anisnap animal design kids watches – Review

Kids watches can always be fiddly to do up, but these Anisnap watches from Aniworld make life a whole lot easier and fun for children to wear.  There is a vast selection of animals available, I was quite surprised by the choice, so there really is something to suit everyone, and you are more than likely able to find your child’s favourite animal on a watch.

The watches come boxed and are laying out flat.  They are on a simple snap band which makes it so easy for the child to take on and off.  My children love snap band bracelets so these had immediate appeal.  The animals themselves are quite large, but soft and rubbery so easy to wear, won’t damage or knock against things, making them quite durable.

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The clock face can easily be taken out of the animal to set the time or change the battery.  My children found it easy to tell the time with these as the numbers around the clock are easy to see, although my little boy is still learning the time, but this is a great way to encourage children to learn how to tell the time especially when they are wearing these throughout the day.

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I think these are a really fun idea for young children to help introduce them to telling the time.  They are so easy to put on, I definitely recommend these a first watch as kids can put them on by themselves and have fun looking at the time.  These would make a great gift idea for kids either for birthdays or Christmas, well worth checking them out!

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received the watches in order to write an honest review.

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  1. Mummy of Two + 1 says:

    Those are really cute. I love how easy they are to ‘fasten’.

  2. these are so cute and easy to wear by snapping it. fab.
    Eileen Teo recently posted…Disney Fairies ReviewMy Profile

  3. JamesSmith says:

    Some please recommend which broker I should pick among the ones listed on this site.

  4. M R Mamun says:

    Kids always like colorful smartwatch. If you give a smartwatch kids, one kids very happy for gift.
    This article kids watches exposition well.

  5. MR Mamun says:

    This is amazing post. This article exposition really well.

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