Alphabet Cards from The Appealing Rabbit – Review

Alphabet Cards from The Appealing Rabbit are a rather cute, large size deck of cards designed to assist your children to practice their letter writing.  The pack comes in a box which includes a black wipeable pen with eraser on the end.

alphabetThe set contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet plus a couple of extra for other languages.  Be aware that the letters included are all capital letters so probably best for a slightly older child than one who is only just learning their letters.

alphabet3Mister B is 4 yrs old and has known his small letters for a while now.  He recognises all his capital letters but hasn’t had much practice writing them other than those in his name so this was a good opportunity for him to get used to them.

alphabet2The Alphabet Cards are glossy and fully wipeable from pen marks making them durable and a bit tougher than normal cards.  What I really love about them though is the illustrations.  Such cute, hand drawn designs, really different and unique from anything else I’ve seen.  They also give you talking points to have with children, such as what objects they can see in the pictures, which always goes off on a tangent with Mister B and he finds plenty to chat about once given a starting point.

alphabet4These beautifully designed cards are an interactive way for children to learn their letters.  You can even play a game with them and there is a score card to mark points.  If your child completes a letter neatly they get a point, if not you get the point.  Obviously they want to win, so it encourages them to try hard.

This is a cute set that is handy to carry around and play when travelling and either in or out of the house.

All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions and we received a pack in order to write the review.

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4 thoughts on “Alphabet Cards from The Appealing Rabbit – Review

  1. These look really cute, I don’t think they’ve even started looking at capital letters at school here, so would be great for Monkey to practice.

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