Day to Day

A day exploring Central Park

With the Bank Holiday weekend upon us, daddy working ten hours shifts each day and the children desperate to get out in the fresh air I asked them where they wanted to go yesterday.  The answer was to have a picnic, collect nature things and not go in the car.  Miss M loves cycling and was keen to go on her bike so I decided we’d spend the afternoon in Central Park, the main park for the city and only a 5 minute walk from us.

Central2So we set off with Miss M leading the way on her bike, and Mister B in his pushchair (I knew his little legs wouldn’t last long walking), and explored the winding paths, up and down the hills and stopped whenever we saw something of interest.

They each had a bag to collect their treasure and we found a lovely area full of willow, oak and horse-chestnut trees where we parked the bike/buggy and set off exploring.

Central3We then decided to move on with Miss M going full steam ahead on her bike, she turned a corner and as we followed we saw her bike parked up.  I looked over to the side of the path and there she was, straddled across a fallen tree trunk pretending to ride a horse!!

Central1After lots of fun and giggling we decided to find a spot for our picnic and carried on up the winding paths until we came across a beautiful open space, the grass full of daisies and a gorgeous hedgerow blooming with pink flowers.  We sat down and enjoyed our lunch with the glorious sun rays beaming down upon us – we had found ourselves a little sun trap with no one in sight and silence apart from a few birds tweeting in the trees.

Central5After eating we carried on through the park and found a bench which they both got really excited about and insisted on sitting on.  We then headed up to the little playground which Mister B absolutely adored having a go on everything he could.

Central4After four hours strolling around, foraging for nature’s treasures, enjoying a picnic in a field full of daisies we were exhausted and headed home to relax and share our adventures with daddy.

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  1. What a fun day you have! It is great to let children explore and learn about the natural!

  2. What a gorgeous day with your two little people in the sunshine! You should link it up to Country Kids at Coombe Mill.
    Love the blog redesign too, really elegant!

  3. anna says:

    this looks like a lovely day! thats a beautiful park!

  4. Sarahmumof3 says:

    lots of fun when the sun shines and you get to go to the park! ovely photos x

  5. Great photo’s – what a lovely park, you’re very lucky to have it on your doorstep 🙂

  6. LauraCYMFT says:

    Looks like you got a fantastic day for the park. Love the first photo.

  7. Mummy of Two says:

    Wow what a great park to have on your doorstep! Looks like you had a great time in the sunshine 🙂

  8. Tina Mansfield says:

    You cant beat a bit of tree climbing in the sunshine and what a great safe place to cycle!

  9. Kate P says:

    Looks like great fun – it’s amazing what fun you can have when the sunshine is out and nature is at your fingertips!

  10. Isn’t it lovely to be able to be out in the sunshine admiring the beauty at this time of year! The children looked like they had a great time exploring and collecting, I do like the picture of the two of them posing on the bench! Thanks for sharing your sunny fun with Country Kids.

  11. What a fab day out – just the sort of adventures my lot love! Great photos of the kids having fun – tree climbing is the best! I especially love the first photo though, beautiful 🙂

  12. What a great park! #CountryKids

  13. Hi Fiona,what great photos of your day at the park,so many smiles from the kiddiewinks!I think you have dropped lucky having a park like that 5 mins from your house,thats gonna be used in the summer holidays I bet!

  14. It looks like you all had a great time, lovely sunny photos 🙂

  15. What an energetic busy day! Lots of things on the agenda for the wee ones. I love the baskets to collect all their finds. We have just bought a bucket and I hope the wee man enjoys doing the same.

  16. wildfamilyfun says:

    Looks like you had such a lovely day. Lots of wonderful places to explore, the tree photos are great. I love seeing all the wonderful weather in the different posts at the moment. Makes a huge change from all the rain!

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