When Woolly and Tig first started on CBeebies, I have to admit I never took much notice of it but I kept noticing Miss M mention it and get all excited, telling mummy to be quiet as it was one of her favourite programmes. So when we were sent a copy of the new Woolly and Tig DVD by Abbey Home Media to review I knew it would be a hit.
It follows a young girl called Tig and her cuddly spider Woolly who go about their day doing different things. Woolly is always there to support and encourage Tig in things she does like when she doesn’t want to wash her hair, won’t share her toys with her friends or has to learn how to adapt to a new baby brother being in the house etc.. Definitely lots of lessons to be learnt here in a fun, friendly way.
My two have loved watching this DVD over and over – I’m quite surprised at how many any times this DVD has been played but if it’s sending out good messages and they enjoy it, then it’s fine by me! I would say the ideal viewing ages for this are between 2 and 5.
The NEW Woolly and Tig – First Day DVD is available to purchase now from all good DVD stockists.
Find out more at www.abbeyhomemedia.com
All reviews are my own and my family’s opinions. We are not paid for reviews although we do receive the product to try out and enable us to write the review.