Day to Day, General

Winter Adventures with Barny Bear

There’s nothing my two love more than going out on an adventure, but the weather has been grim, the rain hasn’t stopped, it’s cold and to be honest I’d rather be snuggled up on a nice warm sofa.  But as I’d promised the children a little walk out in the fresh air, I couldn’t let them down.

So it was time to wrap up warm, put on the rain suits and wellies, and off we go to see what we could find.  Miss M and Mister B were excited to go out in the rain and walked hand in hand along the pavement towards a little grassy area that we had heard about.  We were heading for an area that we’ve never explored before to make things a bit more interesting and not knowing what we might find.

barny bear 5We hadn’t gone far but we soon came across something very exciting along the pavement.  Lots of muddy puddles!!  Before I had a chance to say anything, they were jumping up and down in the puddles with excited grins on their faces, giggling away like it was the best thing they’d ever done.  It’s amazing how much such a simple thing can bring so much pleasure.  They were so happy that I stood and let them enjoy the moment!

barny bear 2We then found an opening between some houses which we went through, down some zig zag paths to a river with a little bridge across.  We tried to play pooh sticks but there were lots of leaves and it didn’t quite work out, so we carried on until we came across a clearing with piles of leaves.  Once again they were off lifting piles of leaves into the air, watching them float gently back down to the ground.  Then Miss M found two large sticks which she held in the air and declared herself to be a tree!  Mister B soon copied but then decided that his big stick was going to be a sword and waved it around from side to side.

barny bear 3After a while we continued along the paths where Miss M spotted a bench and immediately ran over, took off her wellies and emptied them out.  Yes you guessed it, they were full of muddy water from all the puddles she had jumped in earlier!!

barny bear 4By now I was getting rather cold, and their little tummies were rumbling, so we decided to make our way back to the house.  Back over the bridge, along the zigzag paths and along the pavement past the muddy puddles and then in the bush, something glistened!  What was it, they delved in to find out and would you believe it, they only found a couple of boxes of Barny Bears in there!!

Barny Bear1The grins on their little faces said it all, they love Barny Bears!!!

They’ve tried chocolate Barny Bears before but here we had some new flavours, Strawberry and Apple.  Each Barny is a soft, moist sponge and in the shape of Barny Bear himself.  The bears are individually foiled wrapped for convenience and they couldn’t wait to tuck in.  It didn’t take long for their Barny Bear’s to disappear into their hungry little tummies, but the consensus was that although they liked both flavours, the strawberry Barny’s got the biggest thumbs up from us!

This post is an entry for BritMums ‘Winter Little Adventures Challenge’ sponsored by Barny, individually wrapped bear-shaped sponges with a hidden filling. Find out more about Barny here.

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